A fortunate person who reads and understands the book Se’âdet-i Ebediyye[1] will both learn religious knowledge and get to [1] i.e. the six fascicles of Endless Bliss.know Imâm-i Rabbânî; thus, his heart becoming inclined, he will become attached to him. Receiving the nûr which he (Imâm-i Rabbânî) radiates over the world, he will, unknown to himself, begin to approach perfection. As an unripe watermelon ripens and sweetens under the rays of the sun, so will he mature, thus becoming a perfect person. He will note the changes in his views of the world and life. He will begin to experience some hâls, dhawqs and sweet dreams.
He will begin to dream of Imâm-i Rabbânî and of the other Awliyâ, of the Ashâb-i kirâm and of Rasûlullah, to see their faces when awake, and even to talk with them. His nafs being freed from unawareness, he will begin to experience the taste of salât and to take pleasure from worshipping. He will now hate sins, things that are harâm and bad habits. He will form good habits. He will do favours to everybody. He will be useful for society, for people. He will attain, and will also make others attain, eternal felicity.
Endless Bliss First Fasicle | Page 284-285