It is written in Irshâd-ut-tâlibîn: “When a Murshid-i kâmil dies, he does not stop giving fayd. He gives more. But, men’s contact with the dead is unlike their contact with the living. For this reason, little fayd is received from the soul of a dead one. Those who have reached Fanâ and Baqâ have extensive relations with a dead one, almost as well as when he was alive. Therefore, they get much fayd; yet still they get more when the latter is alive. Murshids facilitate those in their company to adhere to the Ahkâm-i islâmiyya, and inspire them with love and respect through all their manners and words, thus causing them to receive more fayd.” As is seen, it is necessary to look for a murshid. Though a faithful and pure Muslim can receive fayd from the Awliyâ, dead or alive, the living Awliyâ will instruct him on the tasks that he has to do. He will correct his faults, thus it will become for him easy to receive much more fayd. On the contrary, the dead cannot say anything. They cannot show him the way. They cannot correct his faults. His receiving fayd dwindles and eventually comes to an end.
He cannot be taught through inspiration or dreams by the dead. Delusion, fancy or the devil may interfere in the inspirations and dreams. And the inspirations and dreams in which they do not interfere may be connotative and in need of an explanation; the correct ones cannot be distinguished from the false ones. The gain may be very valuable, but the loss will be much more dangerous. Nevertheless, in case a person cannot find a true murshid, he should not fall into the traps of false and ignorant murshids. Rather, he should try to receive fayd from the souls of the dead ones. For attaining this, it is necessary to have the Ahl-i sunnat belief and to obey the Ahkâm-i-islâmiyya, to read books written by real scholars, and to make sohbat with those who read the books of true Islamic savants. A little child likes its mother best and trusts in her. When it becomes wise enough, it trusts its father more, relies on him and gets use from him. When it begins going to school or to work, it adheres to its teacher or master and gets use from him. Allah’s divine way is so. Likewise, the earnings of the soul are acquired first through parents and then through the murshid and then through Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’.
Endless Bliss First Fasicle | Page 285-286