Imâm-i Rabbânî ‘quddisa sirruh’, in his 260th letter says, “Fayds, nûrs, which are in the heart of a murshid, like sunlight, shine on everybody. They flow towards the hearts of those Muslims who love him and who adapt themselves to the Ahkâm-i-islâmiyya. They are unaware of the reception of these fayds. They don’t understand that their hearts are purified. Like a watermelon maturing under the light of the sun, they reach maturity. The Ashâb-i kirâm ‘ridwânullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’ matured and attained perfection during the sohbats of Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’. The worst obstruction preventing Muslims from receiving fayd is being a bid’at holder.” In his 61st letter, he says: “The most harmful thing that destroys people’s willingness to attain Ma’rifat of Allâhu ta’âlâ is religious leaders who are ignorant and mendacious. Their books and words blacken the heart. Those who fall into their traps are similar to invalids going to a sham and ignorant doctor.”
The most apparent distinction between a real Walî and a counterfeit shaikh is that a real Walî has wara’ and taqwâ. (Taqwâ) means believing in accordance with the Ahl-i sunnat i’tiqâd and abstaining from the harâms. Abstaining also from those things which are doubtful is called (wara’). Ahl-i sunnat savants were all owners of wara’ and taqwâ. In a hadîth-i sherîf, quoted in the one hundred and twelfth letter of the book (Maktûbât) by Muhammad Ma’thûm ‘rahmatullahi ’alaih’, it is declared: “It is an act of worship to sit with an owner of wara’.” Islamic savants wrote many books in which they explained things that cause kufr, those which are harâm and those which are doubtful. The book (al-Kabâir) by Ibni Nujaym-i Misrî is a famous book. Its Turkish translation was published in 1304 in Istanbul. In the book Küfr ve Kebâir (Disbelief and Grave Sins), written by Sayyid ’Abdulhakîm Arwâsî, three hundred and three grave sins and hundred and eleven acts of kufr are listed.
Endless Bliss First Fasicle | Page 287-288