The religious knowledge conveyed by Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam’ falls into two categories: knowledge of the body and knowledge of the heart. It was his duty to teach his Ashâb the knowledge of the body, which included all the tenets of îmân and teachings pertaining to acts of worship that the heart has to believe and which have to be done and those which have to be practised with the body or avoided. He taught all of them personally and directly. The spiritual teachings that pertain to the heart and which are termed Ma’rifat and Tasawwuf, like the rays of the sun, emanated continuously from his blessed heart and spread out in all directions. Each Sahabî attained a certain portion of fayd coming [flowing] to his heart in proportion to his ability and talent. Because they had very strong affection for the Messenger of Allah, in no time they attained as much of the nûr radiated as their capacity allowed. And the nûrs which they attained, in their turn, hastened the formation of ikhlâs in them and enhanced the already existing amount.
Endless Bliss First Fasicle | Page 288-289