I hope this brings you insight and helps you in your journey. Stay well.   If you're interested in booking a coaching session with Fahad or to collaborate together, check out his website: https://fahadalenezi.com/
Published 04/23/24
Published 04/23/24
I hope this brings you insight and helps you in your journey. Stay well.   If you're interested in booking a coaching session with Fahad or to collaborate together, check out his website: https://fahadalenezi.com/
Published 04/15/24
I ask that you be patient in listening to this recording. I hope you find it helpful and insightful. Let me know what you think.   My website: https://fahadalenezi.com/
Published 02/01/24
I hope this brings you peace and an insight into something we may all face. My website: https://fahadalenezi.com/
Published 01/19/24
In this recording, I talk about facing the fear of trying new things. I talk about taking risks and being bold!   Find me at: fahadalenezi.com
Published 01/16/24
In this recording I talk about the value of self confidence, and the impact difficult situations have on us. I hope this helps you.   Find me at: fahadalenezi.com
Published 01/13/24
I hope this episode provides insight and helps you. Stay safe. Find me at: fahadalenezi.com
Published 01/13/24
This makes sense, I promise. Find me at: fahadalenezi.com
Published 12/04/23
Let's explore the essence of real confidence and its roots in knowledge and experience. We'll discover effective strategies to overcome hesitation and unlock your true potential. Unmask the façade of fake confidence as we delve into the secrets of self-assurance.   اكتشف جوهر الثقة الحقيقية وجذورها في المعرفة والخبرة. اكتشف سبل فعالة للتغلب على التردد وإطلاق العنان لإمكاناتك الحقيقية. اكتشف واجهة الثقة المزيفة بينما نتعمق في أسرار الثقة بالنفس.
Published 09/16/23
Grab a cup of your favorite drink and enjoy. ♥
Published 08/02/23
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe. أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
Published 07/28/23
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe. أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
Published 07/16/23
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe.   أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
Published 07/15/23
I hope you find this recording helpful. Stay safe. أتمنى هذا التسجيل يساعدك. كن بخير.
Published 07/04/23
في هذه الحلقة المثيرة للتفكير، نتعمق في أهمية الوعي الذاتي وفهم وجهات النظر المتنوعة. انضم إلي وأنا أستكشف إدراك أن الآخرين قد ينظرون إلينا بشكل مختلف، مع التأكيد على قيمة القبول والاعتراف بأن الآراء المختلفة لا تحددنا بطبيعتها على أنها جيدة أو سيئة. اكتشف التأثير التحويلي للبقاء متناغمًا مع تأملنا الذاتي وكيف أنه يعزز عالمًا أكثر شمولاً وتناغمًا. استعد لاكتساب رؤى حول تبني وجهات نظر متنوعة وتسخير قوة التأمل الذاتي.   In this thought-provoking episode, I delve into the significance of...
Published 06/17/23
I understand that controlling your emotions and mastering them can be incredibly challenging. Emotions often overwhelm us, resembling a vast and powerful river or ocean in which we find ourselves drowning. We become deeply immersed in our feelings, whether it be happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, or depression. In those moments, it feels as though these emotions completely engulf us, leaving little room for anything else. We become the emotion itself, allowing it to embody us. However, I...
Published 05/30/23
In your life, you may often find yourself hesitating to do things you want to do, while gravitating towards familiar and less challenging tasks. It's important to recognize that this resistance comes from internal factors, driven by self-criticism and fear of negative outcomes. You may be engaged in a battle within yourself, worrying about your abilities, how others will perceive your efforts, and the potential for failure. These concerns can hold you back from fully embracing the things you...
Published 05/24/23
In this episode, I talk about the challenging terrain of self-criticism and offer guidance on how to navigate it while creating a meaningful trajectory for your life.
Published 05/24/23
In this episode, I delve into the transformative power of embracing new experiences. Join me in exploring the profound impact that seeking out and embracing unfamiliar situations can have on our lives.
Published 05/24/23
I hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to the channel. Rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, and share it if you think others could benefit from this.
Published 03/09/23
I've always been curious about the nature of friendships. So many of them are strong and true, yet their nature fluctuates when facing the tests of time. In this short recording, I talk about my thoughts on the matter.
Published 02/17/23
The loud noises around you kept echoing until you stopped hearing yourself. They made you forget what you used to care about. This recording is an attempt to remedy that.
Published 02/10/23
There's a beautiful energy when you do things spontaneously and fluidly, as opposed to trying to force things that don't come naturally to you. This episode as a clear attempt to represent that.
Published 01/22/23
It has been a while. Consider this recording a mental health check.
Published 12/31/22