Are biblical warnings about false prophets still relevant? Yes, the threat looms as large today as in the first century.
Published 10/27/23
David Mathis | Good pastors are not naive: ministry comes with many costs. Even so, Christ has not called us to an impossible, joyless task. The cross proves otherwise.
Published 10/26/23
David Mathis | What is Christian faith? Hebrews 11 not only answers the question but tells us what faith feels like, and how it leads to obedience, and living as exiles in this world.
Published 10/08/23
When Jesus asks the Pharisees how David calls the Messiah “Lord,” they refuse to answer. What made that seemingly simple question so incendiary?
Published 09/30/23
God is. No reality is more mind-boggling, more valuable, more life-altering, more electrifying than the absolute being of God.
Published 09/25/23
What is sovereign, sustaining grace? It is not grace that spares us pain, but grace that orders our pain — and then sustains us through the pain.
Published 08/20/23
David Mathis | From principals to presidents, leadership failures fill the news. We long for someone in power to lead with wisdom and fairness. Praise God, the ideal king has come.
Published 08/13/23
Romans 8:32 is perhaps the greatest verse in the Bible. No other text quite describes how far God has gone for our salvation and will go for our joy.
Published 07/29/23
What excites a Christian most? Our deepest, truest joy does not flow from completed degrees or flourishing ministries, but from the God who saved us.
Published 07/12/23
What makes a college distinctly Christian? Education is not an end in itself, but a means to knowing and loving Christ.
Published 06/18/23
God’s word speaks to the mysteries of suffering. We will only bear pain well as we begin to see it like he does.
Published 06/07/23
David Mathis | Neither biographers nor Broadway can ignore Alexander Hamilton’s late-flowering Christian faith. He, like the prodigal son, finally came home after his journey into the far country.
Published 06/03/23
Christ’s blood bought more than our pardon, precious as it is. His death also purchased the power we need to live a radical Christian life.
Published 05/28/23
John Piper | As we age, fears can multiply like wrinkles. But for every concern, we have a blood-bought promise far, far older than our fears.
Published 05/28/23
David Mathis | Why do Christians sing about blood? Because of what happened at the cross, the otherwise morbid topic becomes one of glory, thanks, and praise.
Published 05/21/23
David Mathis | Genuine faith welcomes, enjoys, fears, strives after, and rests in God. And in doing so, genuine faith perseveres.
Published 05/18/23
While on earth, Jesus spoke with unmatched power. Demons obeyed him, and fevers fled at his word. Everything was subject to him — then and now.
Published 05/14/23
David Mathis | For pastors to be “well thought of by outsiders” certainly isn’t everything, but it made God’s list of requirements. Is it still on ours?
Published 05/07/23
David Mathis | When Christ ascended into heaven, an otherworldly ceremony commenced. Here was the long-awaited Son of David, the only man angels ever worshiped.
Published 04/16/23
When a Christian goes home to be with the Lord, we who remain have the chance to rehearse God’s loving design in every believer’s death.
Published 04/13/23
Marshall Segal | Do you ever stop, slow down, and marvel at something God has made? If we could see it all like he does, we’d see far more than we do.
Published 03/26/23
When our hearts run dry, and our good works languish, the Bible bids us: “Consider the end.”
Published 03/05/23
When it comes to missions, reasons abound to stay rather than to go. But for every apparent obstacle, countless promises say, “It will be worth it.”
Published 01/29/23
David Mathis | Pastors are first and foremost teachers, but they are not only teachers. They feed the sheep and lead the sheep — and they lead by feeding.
Published 01/20/23
David Mathis | The pastors we all want are men who want to pastor, who want to see God move in them and through them for the joy of others.
Published 01/19/23