Effective Altruism: An Introduction is a collection of ten top episodes of The 80,000 Hours Podcast specifically selected to help listeners quickly get up to speed on the school of thought known as effective altruism. Here the host of the show — Rob Wiblin — briefly explains what effective altruism is all about, and what to expect from the rest of this series.
Published 04/12/21
Both the Green Revolution and the contraceptive pill are widely recognised as scientific breakthroughs that transformed the world. But few know that those breakthroughs only happened when they did because of a philanthropist willing to take a risky bet on a new idea.
Published 04/12/21
Toby Ord makes the case that of all the people whose well-being we should care about, only a small fraction are alive today. The rest are members of future generations who are yet to exist. Whether they’ll be born into a world that is flourishing or disintegrating is in large part up to us.
Published 04/12/21
Spencer Greenberg, founder of ClearerThinking.org has a process for working out real life problems.
Published 04/12/21
If we accept that we’re probably making major moral errors, how should we proceed?
Published 04/12/21
Have you ever been infuriated by a doctor's unwillingness to give you an honest, probabilistic estimate about what to expect? Or a lawyer who won't tell you the chances you'll win your case?
Published 04/12/21
The barista gives you your coffee and change, and you walk away from the busy line. But you suddenly realise she gave you $1 less than she should have. Do you brush your way past the people now waiting, or just accept this as a dollar you’re never getting back? According to Hilary Greaves, this simple decision will alter the identities of almost all future generations.
Published 04/12/21
The 80,000 Hours Podcast is about “the world’s most pressing problems and how you can use your career to solve them”, and in this episode we tackle that question in the most direct way possible.
Published 04/12/21
Benjamin Todd gives his thoughts on what effective altruism really is, how it's framed, and how people misunderstand it.
Published 04/12/21
Now you've finished Effective Altruism: An Introduction, here's what we suggest you do next.
Published 04/12/21
A vision of how humanity could progressively hand over decision-making to AI systems, and how it could go really well or badly.
Published 12/07/20
If an asteroid impact or nuclear winter blocked the sun for years, our inability to grow food would result in billions dying of starvation, right? According to Dr David Denkenberger, co-author of Feeding Everyone No Matter What: no. If he's to be believed, nobody need starve at all.
Published 12/07/20