“After countless redundancies and then raising two young children, a chance encounter was the trigger for me to finally really look at my life and make changes.
I went back to university in 2013 at the age of 38 to study an Msc in textiles for protective clothing after years supplying the high street with boring throw away fast fashion. Sadly I was also experiencing massive challenges in my personal life with my husband at the time so major depression, anxiety, harmful self talk, overthinking, has run parallel to my journey. It’s been one hell of a 7 year battle.
In 2013 never knew in what mental health was and apart from a few sessions at university I’ve had to counsel my way through using books, podcasts, yoga and just time and reflection to heal. Just about everything said in this podcast rings true with me. Depression is so unbelievably debilitating but like all my up hill battles with redundancy, I’m glad of the experience because of the massive opportunity to learn and grow.
In May 2019 I finally achieved my ultimate goal and landed my dream job. Sadly, the environment of the business was toxic and for my health, I resigned after 4 months pushing me back into sever depression and yet another up hill battle.
So Congratulations on taking the bull by the horns and resetting your life again!.....I love listening to your podcasts, they calm me and help me realise everything I’m going through or have felt in the past is totally natural and your techniques to support are invaluable. I think also it’s just your Aussie way, relaxed but direct, the way you guys don’t beat around the bush trying the get the point across, just say it as it is!! I absolutely love it. I really hope it helps as many people as it has me and that you reach the goal you set out to achieve on this new journey.”
27Quirky via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·