Most American children attend a summer camp over the long break. There are many different kinds of camps, such as sports camps, art camps, and dance camps. While some camps are day camps (where campers are dropped off for the day then picked up in the afternoon), other are sleepaway camps, and campers spend 1-2 weeks away from home living on camp grounds. Around the age of 16, campers become counselors-in-training.DialogueA: Nem acredito que tô no grupo da Mary esse ano! Ela é sempre tão...
Published 01/27/21
The famous poem by Gonçalves Dias entitled “Canção do exílio” speaks of a longing to hear the song of the sabiá, which is a type of thrush. Most Brazilians know about the poem, but not everyone knows a lot about the national bird, the sabiá. In today’s lesson you can get up to speed on all of itDialogueA: Sabe, sempre ouvi falar do poema “Canção do exílio” do Gonçalves Dias, mas confesso que não sei quase nada sobre o sabiá.
B: “Minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sabiá. As aves que...
Published 06/12/18
YouTube is such a part of our everyday life, no wonder we want to create our own channel. But if you want to talk about YouTube channels in Portuguese, there are some words and phrases that will help you out. And that is the object of today’s lesson.DialogueA: Ô Jackson, você tem um canal do YouTube, não é? É fácil criar um?
B: Olha, não é difícil não, você já tem uma conta no google?
A: Já, mas acho melhor começar com uma conta nova do Google, não é?
B: Bom, concordo, as vezes fica...
Published 06/05/18
Some people just seem to see the good in everyone, and others seem to point out the flaws. In today’s lesson Mara has written another blog, and does she ever bring up some emotions and opinions. Whether positive of negative, this lesson helps us to express ourselves in Portuguese.DialogueA: Gente! Você viu o blog da Mara?
B: Ai não, que foi que ela escreveu dessa vez?
A: Não, dessa vez foi até bom, ela falou da mãe dela que fica insistindo pra ela casar o tempo todo.
B: E quem é que iria...
Published 05/29/18
Have you ever been to one of those restaurants where you pay by weight. They are extremely popular in Brazil. However, the question in today’s lesson is whether or not is makes sense to pay for food by weight. Some think it’s convenient and logical, others find it inconvenient and illogical. Either way, we learn some great Portuguese verbs to talk about the self-service restaurants.DialogueA: Sabe o que eu detesto, restaurante que tem comida a quilo.
B: Por quê que não gosta? Sempre achei...
Published 05/22/18
It’s so easy to ignore the warning lights that go off, but in this case the tire looks a little low too. It’s a good thing that friends can help out, check the tires and even take things in to a mechanic if needed. And if you ever need to make that request in Portuguese, today’s lesson’s got you covered.DialogueA: O Carlos, você pode dar uma olhada no pneu do carro pra mim.
B: Por que, tem algum problema?
A: Sim, é que a luz do painel aqui está acesa, deve estar muito baixo.
B: É verdade,...
Published 05/15/18
Do you love or hate shopping? People seem to fall into one of those camps. And how does your love/hate of shopping change when you get to do it online? Or does it change when you are shopping for cloths or for tools? All of this goes into our shopping patterns, and in this lesson we do it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Ô Sueli, você aceita esse estereótipo de que o homem não gosta de fazer compras?
B: Não sei viu, no caso do Ronaldo, meu marido, o que ele não gosta e olhar tudo e não comprar...
Published 05/08/18
Sometimes we just want to go back to our comfort food. And in today’s lesson, that means going back to a traditional Brazilian breakfast, complete with papaya, bread, butter, and coffee with milk. It’s a pretty great way to start a day, and even more so when you can talk about it in Portuguese.DialogueA: Nossa, esse café da manhã está muito parecido com aquele nosso do Brasil.
B: Sim, é verdade. Hoje eu resolvi ir ao mercado comprar mamão, pão integral, manteiga, e claro café e leite. É um...
Published 05/01/18
It’s one thing to think of salad as a fresh, healthy food. But we’ve all had the experience of opening the fridge, only to find that the lettuce is brown, the tomatoes are old, and the cucumbers are mushy. It’s enough to take away your appetite. It doesn’t matter what language you are using, that kind of food is gross.DialogueA: Eu vou preparar uma salada. Você gosta mais de que? De rúcula, ou grião, ou alface?
B: Não tem ainda aquela maionese na geladeira.
A: Olha, até tem, mas já faz...
Published 04/24/18
How in the world does a person figure out what makes a good cachaça? Color, smell, taste, and what brands are recommended? This lesson is our chance to get you started in knowing how to talk about cachaça and caipirinha.Drinking it, well, we’ll leave that up to you.DialogueA: Oi Carla, você sabe tudo de cachaça, não é?
B: Mais ou menos, por quê?
A: Como você sabe se ela é uma de boa qualidade ou não?
B: Bom, primeiro, ver se ela é cristalina, e se não tem resíduo no fundo da garrafa.
A: ...
Published 04/17/18
The age old question about what to do on the weekend. And of course that question is more difficult to answer when the forecast says it’s going to rain. Looks like the beach will have to wait for another day. And while you are making those decisions, we’ll help you to discuss the options in Portuguese.DialogueA: O que nós vamos fazer no final de semana?
B: A gente podia pegar uma praia, né?
A: EE, mas será que não vai chover, não?.
B: Não sei, vamos dar uma olhada na previsão do...
Published 04/10/18
Since someone is stopping by the supermarket anyway, it’s only polite to ask if there is anything you need. It’s always nice to be nice! And today we learn how to be nice in Portuguese too.DialogueA: Ô bem, eu vou passar lá no Pão de Açúcar. Você precisa de alguma coisa?
B: Pega mais algumas azeitonas, tá bom?
A: Da verde ou da preta?
B: Olha, compra mais das verdes, acho que 300 gramas está bom.A: Dear, I’m heading to Pão de Açúcar. Do you need anything?
B: Get some more olives,...
Published 04/03/18
We sometimes think that it would be nice to join a gym, but it gets rather intimidating when we see all of the sign up procedures, there’s a lot of pressure. Still, we know it’s a good thing to work out, so maybe it’s time to buckle down and do it. In today’s lesson the process is at least made a little easier when a friend can give some advice about what to expect.DialogueA: Ô Diana, para entrar numa academia, que que tem que fazer?
B: Você prefere começar exercícios na máquina, pesos...
Published 03/27/18