Published 03/24/22
Published 08/25/20
"Do tech gadgets make us more or less productive?!" Today we will discuss whether digital tools make us more or less productive at the workplace. This is a very interesting topic, because it is a bit heretical. All of these tech gadgets that are very nice and very fancy and very expensive can maybe reduce our productivity in the...
Published 06/02/20
Published 05/26/20
Published 05/12/20
Today’s topic is for those who have been leaders for a while now and think it’s time for becoming better! Whether it be about new habits or introducing some new tools, improving yourself is the best thing you can do. "There are a variety of factors that are limiting their potential to change!" I know many managers that have been doing this for a long time who want to change. But there are a variety of factors that are...
Published 04/21/20
Published 04/16/20
Published 04/14/20
Published 04/09/20
Published 03/31/20
Today’s episode is about the open door policy and how effective it is…or isn’t! An open door policy is usually used as a behavioural institution in that every manager has their own office, and the door is open so that employees can approach him. At least, that is how it is supposed to work. "The boss uses the open door policy as an excuse!" In reality what ends up happening is: the boss sits in his office while things...
Published 03/17/20
The focus of today will be on self-employment. Is the future of work self-employment?  I read about this often. Last year I attended a conference about whether this is the future. Surprisingly, I was one of the only people that said no, it isn’t. Let’s discuss where this opinion comes from. More and more people are exposed to freelancers whether it be through their companies or even when ordering an Uber! "There is a small percentage of people who are...
Published 03/12/20
Published 02/06/20
Published 01/28/20