God wants to lead us to a place of wholeness and peace. This requires the awareness that we are never outside the bounds of God'a presence, love, and grace. Because of who we are and whose we are, Jesus suffered, died, and rose again to bring us to himself. #conqueror #loved #messiahyl
Published 11/03/24
Today is Reformation Day! While teaching about the Bible's book of Romans, Luther realized that the righteousness of God was not "God is right, and you're not" so God has to punish you; rather, God wants to give you righteousness, to make you right with God as a gift. We are little Christs, filled with the presence of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. This presence of Christ in us makes us righteous, allowing us to live out God's love for our neighbors. #spirit #gift #reformation #messiahyl
Published 10/27/24
We are so loved and in God's sight we are worth redeeming from the brokenness and the darkness that so often permeates our circumstances, lives, and world. #WhoYouAre #WhoseYouAre #messiahyl
Published 10/13/24
Welcome! Join us in creating a joyful inclusive space where we can uplift one another at the really big table over wine and bread. Thank you for being part of our community. #GodGave #SoLoved #messiahyl
Published 10/06/24
We hear a lot of talk about love but sometimes we don't see so much of it. Talk is cheap! If we want the people we love to know that we love them then we need to start doing something about it. We need to demonstrate our love by our labor, not our talk. When we love someone, we meet their needs. #LaborOfLove #messiahyl
Published 09/01/24
We no longer face any pressure to be, at least, nominally Christian. Today, a buffet of options and trending social media ideas purport to present what it means to be Christian. In our time, like in the days of the Colossian church, Apostle Paul addresses the idea of: 1) influence of well-intentions people with a legalistic perspective, and 2) gnosticism (finding salvation and escape from the material world by acquiring secret knowledge). Christian life is a journey not a...
Published 08/25/24
Bread and hunger are two things everyone knows about. If you are hungry today for something more: unconditional love, forgiveness, or grace...Jesus is ready for you. Bread may be ordinary and hunger commonplace, but there is nothing more extraordinary about the radical love of Christ. It is truly food for the journey #BreadOfLife #messiahyl
Published 08/18/24
When we are tested, we will need certain supplies to help us grow in our trust in God's plan and his leadership. Before Jesus began his ministry, he was led out to the wilderness to be tested. The way he responded set the tone for the way he would walk the path ahead for us. #supplies #messiahyl
Published 08/11/24
In our fast-paced world and materialistic world, it is easy to get weighed down by possessions, obligations, and distractions. In our difficult seasons, it is important and powerful to be reminded of the promises of God. In the simplicity and humility of traveling light, we rediscover God's richness and abundant grace. #mapping #journey #messiahyl
Published 08/03/24
Matthew 7 says, "Seek and you will find." This seems too simple. Is it possible you can't find God if you don't know what to look for? God's presence is not the "absent" condition. God is always present and at work in the world. The question is...do we anticipate and recognize God's presence. #waiting #resonance #relationships #FindGod #messiahyl
Published 06/30/24
Does God's love have limits? Does God love me? Thankfully, we cannot cross a line that changes these answers. It is not our worth, but God's grace, that determines our lovability. God created everyone. We are built for a relationship with our creator. What God creates, God loves...and what God loves, he loves forever. #GodIsLove #messiahyl
Published 06/15/24
Seemingly, bad things can happen to anyone. Yet, God is still good! God cares about his world and did not make us to be puppets—we have autonomy! What could go wrong? Self-centeredness and sin is often our choice. We have messed things up badly and the world is less good than God created it to be. However, our God is ever-present...God promises to restore us when hurt, damaged, or lost. God can use our sufferings to give us perseverance, character, and hope for the future. As a receiver or...
Published 06/09/24
God's love is extraordinary! Equality is not based on merit or effort—it is based on generosity and mercy for all. In this framework, the first will be last and the last will be first. Everyone has unearned grace and hope! God is good all the time and all the time God is good. #Undeserved #GoodGod #messiahyl
Published 06/02/24
Life has moments of joy and heartbreak. It is often easier to manage when all is well; however, when things go awry, where can you turn? and what are some practical suggestions for loving in a time of crisis? Learn how to acknowledge the tough season, reflect on being loved by God, and gain the perspective that makes it possible to extend that love to others. #LoveInCrisis #messiahyl
Published 05/26/24
As Christ followers, we are called to live differently than those around us, to resist the forces in our culture that are opposed to God and Jesus Christ, to resist "the way it is". We are called not just to believe in God, but to follow Jesus' teachings. To love and care for others, and live out the baptismal promises. To be "all in" for Jesus and live by God's values. #livedifferently #messiahyl
Published 05/05/24
Live without regrets. Say it loud and say it clear...say it in the living years. Take proactive steps to nurture your relationship with God and others. Live fully in the moment by extending the love God has given us to share. #LiveOutloud #messiahyl
Published 04/28/24
Is the church (at large) a sinking ship? Will the church as we know it survive for 20 more years? It may not endure as we know it, but it WILL thrive according to God's plan. Form this perspective we can be assured that God will work it out. Our job is to embrace the newness.#LoveOthers #GodsWay #WeCanWorkItOut #messiahyl
Published 04/14/24
Jesus doesn't ask for a resumes or qualifications to follow him, he simply asks for a willingness to follow: to trust, to learn, to love, to be transformed. It is sometimes messy, sometimes imperfect, but it is real. Following Jesus is being open to the unexpected, the uncomfortable, and the challenging. It is about sitting at God's table of grace and inviting others to share the amazing unconditional love and grace that has already been shared with us by God. #Welcome #TheTable #FollowJesus...
Published 03/17/24
Grace is free, but it is not cheap. The type of grace we receive from God was very costly and its precious value must be understood to be appreciated. Jesus gave his life for us. Count the cost and act accordingly. We show our gratitude as we strive to live obediently (as best we can) following Jesus and sharing grace with others. #FollowMe #CountTheCost #messiahyl
Published 03/10/24
What kind of a follower are you? Online, first impressions make a big difference. This is the same reason Jesus was so popular when he came to the world. Jesus had many raving followers and, in the end, overwhelming critics. The people of the world didn't understand why Jesus came. They wanted something/someone more self-serving. Head the call to follow the truth, not vainglory popularity. #FollowTruth #SeekTheGood #AsGodSeesIt #messiahyl
Published 02/18/24
Like a Super Bowl team thrives on cooperation and coordination, we flourish when we work together as followers of Christ to live with compassion and mercy for others...and work together to create a truly just world for all people both near and far. #SuperBowl #Cooperation #messiahyl
Published 02/11/24
Are you a great worrier? Worry prevents us from experiencing God—who is actively working in the present to help us. Worry sucks the vitality, energy, and joy required to live lives of loving service and compassionate action toward others. Lean in to the radical grace of God. This will shift our focus away from ourselves so that we can boldly and courageously seek how to meet head-on the needs of others. #thrive #abundance #nothalflife #messiahyl
Published 02/04/24
Why did the people of Israel spend forty years in the dessert before "entering the rest" of the promised land? They were afraid to go in! Do we refuse to enter into the rest that God promised? We must recognize that grace and rest don't depend on our effort. Stop, wait, and pay attention...to see what God to doing. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. #WaitForIt #StopAndRest #DayOff #messiahyl
Published 01/28/24
Most people can appreciate and respect the commandment "Do not murder." Another commandment a few before it, though, is likewise important but much tougher to keep. "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy." God demonstrated rest after the work of creation and God knows his creations...including us. We need intentional and regular rest (spiritual and physical) or we fall short of our potential. Let your soul catch up with your body. #restinpeace #whileliving #messiahyl
Published 01/21/24