Wrap-up of the course
Published 01/16/12
Business Plan contest final round -2-
Published 12/19/11
When you shape the management team and write up the business plan, you will need to fundraise to realize your idea and research outcome into society. Venture Capital[VC] is one of the important cash resources for all small companies. But many suggestions by entrepreneurs are rejected by VC. Is there any condition to receive funding from VC?We will invite the executive at Venture Capital to argue on how to create an attractive business plan for VC.Guest Speaker, Mr.Nobutake Suzuki, Partner,...
Published 12/12/11
When you disclose your research to commercialization, it means that you will be exposed to some form of business risk. But the risk is controlled by intellectual property[IP]. Thus, IP is an important knowledge for the university startup, who has invested much asset and time on technology creation. How to protect your technology and create intellectual property[IP]? We will invite an core personnel in this sector to discuss about his strategy.Guest Speaker, Mr.Masanobu Katoh, Professor, Keio...
Published 12/05/11
Sangikyo, Inc is a wireless engineering services company, which has received good reputation at existing services. But Mr Sengoku, CEO, Sangikyo Inc. developed new software service, which has created efficiency and value added to the inter-organizational communication. Why did he start the new business? What is the uniqueness in his strategy to expand the software?Guest Speaker, Mr. Michiyasu Sengoku, CEO, Sangikyo Inc.
Published 11/14/11
E-mobile is Japanese mobile broadband infrastructure operator. Since joining the competitive market occupied by big companies, E mobile has grown and established its position. We will invite the CEO to discuss about his unique experience.Guest Speaker, Mr. Eric Gan, CEO, E-mobile.Inc.
Published 11/07/11
E-mobile is Japanese mobile broadband infrastructure operator. Since joining the competitive market occupied by big companies, E mobile has grown and established its position. We will experience decision making at infrastructure business through case discussion.
Published 10/31/11
When starting business in a foreign country, you need to develop strategy adjusting local market. That is essential condition for your success. We will invite the guest speaker from Thailand and Chulalongkorn University to discuss about his unique strategy.Guest Speaker, alumni at Chulalongkorn University.
Published 10/24/11
Weather News Inc [WN] is the biggest privately funded weather forecasting company in the world. Since entering this market, HN has changed the market where the public service has owned dominating position. How did WN identify growing opportunity? Why is small company able to start business? We will invite the CEO to discuss about his unique strategy.Guest Speaker, Mr. Chihito Kusahiraki, CEO, Weather News Inc
Published 10/17/11
We learn about the basics of starting the business: vision creation, shaping management team, finance planning, and business modeling. For example, in daily business, cash flow operation is essential. You can go bankrupt even when making profit but if the basics.
Published 10/10/11
We learn about the basics of starting the business: vision creation, shaping management team, finance planning, and business modeling. For example, in daily business, cash flow operation is essential. You can go bankrupt even when making profit if without the basics.
Published 10/07/11
We learn about the strategy to connect university research with commercialization. Are there strategic points whereby research outcome can be incorporated? We will invite Prof. Sureswaran Ramadass, who has successful experience to discuss about his strategies.Guest speaker, Prof.Sureswaran Ramadass, University Saint Malaysia.
Published 10/03/11
There are many issues to consider when you select an entrepreneur as your career: how to promote your plan and yourself to some partners, such as management team, investor, and customer. What is the risk on your career? What are the advantages in university startup? We will argue these issues among the students in Keio University and in Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.Announcement: Details about the Business plan contest at SOI Asia 2011-2012.
Published 09/26/11