This show, hosted by Mark Trautman, CFP® aims to provide an educational resource for people eager to master their personal finances. The content covers various money-related topics, answers listeners’ questions, and shares both financial and non-financial life lessons.
The key objective is to foster a financial learning community, passing along knowledge and wisdom to those interested in achieving financial freedom.
In this episode Mark broadcasts from the cruise ship Silver Nova off the coast of Australia.
Mark addresses the critical steps to take if you or someone you know is laid off. Topics include understanding severance packages, health insurance options like COBRA, applying for unemployment...
Published 11/20/24
This episode takes place at the FI Freedom Retreat in Bali, Indonesia. Speakers Alan & Katie Donegan and Rachel Richards (Money Honey Rachel) share insights aligning personal identity with life vision.
Discussions include the impact of self-perception on achieving goals, the benefits of...
Published 11/09/24