Are you wondering if your inner work is truly helping or just making you feel worse? The personal development world is filled with advice, but not all of it is useful. Many end up feeling broken and trapped in a never-ending cycle of healing. In this episode, I'll reveal the red flags in personal development that could be holding you back without you even realising... ❤️‍🔥 Take the 'Become your Future Self' quiz 🧠 Free Workbook to overcome your limiting beliefs 🕊 Clear self-worth, shame,...
Published 06/17/24
Ever wondered what's holding you back from manifesting your dreams? If you’ve felt stuck, unmotivated, or out of ideas, this episode is your breakthrough moment. Tune in to discover why these blocks appear and learn how to propel yourself forward with newfound clarity and manifesting momentum. The truth is, you haven't been doing it wrong, but you may have been missing a crucial step in the manifestation process... 🕊 Address a personal block such as self-worth, shame, regret, guilt, trauma or...
Published 06/12/24
Sometimes life can LIFE! It can feel like the walls are crumbling around you as the universe recalibrates your 3D reality for your next upgrade. This profound transformation is often uncomfortable, but it's also an opportunity to rebuild and embrace a new, more aligned, and authentic identity. On the other side of this change, a better version of yourself awaits. This episode will guide you through this journey, helping you move towards that transformative and beautiful new self... 🕊 Address...
Published 06/10/24
Are you in the process of an identity shift? Are old lifestyles, habits, mindsets, and friendship groups dropping away? If so, this episode is exactly what you need to hear today. During this in-between stage of growth, you may feel an uncomfortable emptiness and the unknown. Let’s talk about how to move through this stage of life and emerge on the other side as the best version of yourself you’ve ever been...✨ ❤️‍🔥 Take the 'Become your Future Self' quiz:...
Published 06/05/24
Ever tried to love yourself more but found yourself stuck, unsure where to start? Do you believe that more self-love could speed up your manifestations? In this episode, we’ll explore a fresh perspective that might just change your view on the self-love trend and provide the clarity you need to move forward... DM Cher the word 'questionnaire' on Instagram ❤️‍🔥 Take the 'Become your Future Self' quiz: https://www.cherenya.com/become-your-future-self-quiz 🕊 Address a personal block such as...
Published 06/03/24
Drowning in morning routine advice and feeling more overwhelmed than inspired? Or maybe you've tried one but just can’t seem to stick with it? If this sounds familiar, this episode is for you. Morning routines are often made out to be the magical solution to all our problems, but the pressure to perfect them can be overwhelming, and sometimes they fall short of expectations. Join me as I reveal how to create a morning routine that truly sticks, bringing more peace and joy to your day, without...
Published 05/29/24
Discover the money manifestation tips that could be sabotaging your financial success. Learn which common advice to avoid and what to do instead to attract wealth and create true abundance. In this episode, I challenge widely held money beliefs and offer fresh perspectives on growing your bank account, from debunking scarcity myths to exploring the deeper meaning of the energy of money, join me for a deep dive into effectively managing your money and manifesting lasting abundance... ❤️‍🔥 Take...
Published 05/27/24
It's time to move forward with more inner peace in the present moment while co-creating the life of your dreams! In this episode, I share three life-changing perspective shifts that can transform the way you think, feel, act, and react, bringing more happiness and clarity to your daily life. You'll discover powerful shifts to overcome energy-draining feelings like guilt and regret and learn how to shift your identity toward empowerment instead of identifying with emotions, thoughts, and...
Published 05/22/24
Welcome to a very special milestone - our 100th episode! In this episode, I explore lessons from the past, share what I'm currently working on, and give you a peek into what our future together might hold...👀 Thank you for being part of this community, and here's to another 100 episodes together 🥹 ❤️‍🔥 Take the 'Become your Future Self' quiz: https://www.cherenya.com/become-your-future-self-quiz 📖 Clear your Limiting Beliefs: Free Workbook & journal prompts to overcome your limiting...
Published 05/20/24
Do you clench your jaw? Grind your teeth? Feel anxiety more often than you’d like? If so, this episode is for you. The key to lasting happiness, joy, creativity, and inner peace begins with healing your nervous system. Today, I’ll shine a light on how signs of a dysregulated nervous system might be showing up in your day-to-day life, so you can start your transformative journey towards tapping into your innate power and potential. Get ready to change the way you think, feel, and...
Published 05/15/24
What do abundance, fulfillment, and happiness all have in common? Contrary to popular belief, these aren't byproducts of the external world of money, material possessions, or even the goals on your vision board. Instead, these are states of being that start from within. In this episode, we'll explore how aligning your internal state of being can not only enhance your capacity to manifest but also significantly boost your happiness. Listen and discover how you can tap into these powerful...
Published 05/13/24
Ever feel like you're just not disciplined enough? Allow me to explain why you've been feeling this way and how to shift it, so you can move into a state of effortless consistency, energy, and momentum. In my world, behaviors often labeled as self-sabotage or procrastination are actually rooted in natural responses of the nervous system and mind to perceived threats or changes. The good news? These responses can be changed. Let me show you how, so that self-sabotage doesn’t hold you back any...
Published 05/08/24
Ready to shift your money mindset and identity? Your words hold more power, energy, and frequency than you might imagine. So what are the words you find yourself using most often? Are they building you up or holding you back? In this episode, we dive into how the language you speak aloud about yourself, your finances, and your circumstances can shape your entire reality. You'll discover not only how to identify and eliminate disempowering words from your vocabulary but also how to replace...
Published 05/06/24
What do your subconscious mind and Viennese Whirls have in common? 😅 Discover the answer in this episode as we dive into the most common mistake I see in manifestation and changing your reality. The great news is that sometimes the simplest perspective shifts can create the biggest transformations, and I'm here today, to tell you exactly how to achieve that! ❤️‍🔥 Take the 'Become your Future Self' quiz: https://www.cherenya.com/become-your-future-self-quiz 🦋 Work 1:1 with Cher to address and...
Published 05/01/24
Dr Jon facilitates RRT subconscious reprogramming with me LIVE on this episode! This is not a typical interview episode, you’ll get to be a fly on the wall on what an RRT session might be like, and how fast unhelpful feelings, thoughts and experiences can be shifted using Rapid Resolution Therapy. In this episode, I address the feelings of “not good enough” and “I don’t have what it takes”.  Watch the session on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oRxFZjB7CoE  Join the Foundations course starting May...
Published 04/29/24
Your self-worth is the key to manifesting the life of your dreams. That's why transforming deep-rooted, unhelpful feelings is essential for attracting the future you desire. Do you often feel you're not good enough? Do you criticise yourself more than you celebrate yourself? Have attempts at self-love fallen short? If you find yourself nodding yes, or even if you're unsure, tune in as I dive deep into practical strategies to elevate your self-worth and activate your manifestation power... 🕊...
Published 04/24/24
Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, it's just that changing your outer world comes with a lag-time where the universe is recalibrating and rearranging for you - this can catch many people out, meaning the shift never actually takes place. In this episode I share with you how to create more trust in the manifestation process, especially when you’re doing all the inner work and your 3D reality doesn’t seem to be changing… 🦋 Work 1:1 with Cher to address and clear a business...
Published 04/22/24
Some of your beliefs about money aren't even your own—they're a mix of other people's beliefs, feelings, and experiences that you've unconsciously adopted. In this episode, we'll delve into your money story, helping you shift your beliefs about finances to create and nurture a better relationship with money that's supportive and aligned with the reality you want to manifest... 🦋 Work 1:1 with Cher to address and clear a business block or stuckness: https://www.cherenya.com/rrt-intake-form 💧...
Published 04/17/24
You get what you tolerate, so are you settling for familiarity? In this episode, we take a look at your deeper fears and limiting beliefs that may be *secretly* hindering your progress towards your desired reality, without you even realising! 🦋 Work 1:1 with Cher to address and clear a business block or stuckness: https://www.cherenya.com/rrt-intake-form 📖 Clear your Limiting Beliefs: Free Workbook & journal prompts to overcome your limiting beliefs (& reprogram your mind!)...
Published 04/15/24
It's time to rewrite your affirmations so they actually work for you! Most affirmations and mantras aren't doing much besides taking up your time, energy and increasing frustration. This is usually because these affirmations are clashing with your unconscious beliefs. In this episode, I'll share with you exactly how to rewire your unconscious mind so that you can use affirmations, to change your life, and improve your manifestation... 🦋 Work 1:1 with Cher to address and clear a business block...
Published 04/10/24
Manifestation is the ultimate growth journey, and there's not much that will prepare you for the wild ride it can be. The transition period is the part where you shift from idea, to reality, and this is the peice of the puzzle that requires your commitment and devotion to the life you want to live. In this episode, I talk about how to stay in energetic alignment during this time, and what to do when you're in this waiting phase... 🦋 Work 1:1 with Cher to address and clear a business block or...
Published 04/08/24
Ready to effortlessly transition into an automatic state of abundance and overflow? Tired of all the ways scarcity manifests in your life? This episode also offers a fresh perspective on shifting away from scarcity, so that you can begin to create a lasting change in your life, instead of just scratching the surface. By shining a light on how scarcity programming might be influencing your decisions, you'll empower yourself to make choices that move you from a place of lack to a place of...
Published 04/03/24
The podcast is 1 year old! In this special episode, you'll discover the 4 steps I took to align with my future self, before I was even close to being her. This journey is about committing to long-term success, and understanding that it's the tiny decisions that create the biggest shifts. Thank you for tuning in, and please take a moment to acknowledge yourself for your continued investment in your growth. Here's to this next chapter together, in my G Wagon, en-route to creating a life that...
Published 04/01/24
Ever felt like it's just not your destiny to have what you want? Ever felt like no matter what you do, your manifestation isn't happening? Perhaps you've tried all the techniques, all the journaling, all the inner work, and things just aren't changing! If this sounds familiar, and you've been wondering why some people manifest faster than others, then this is the episode for you... 💧 Learn More about how RRT can help business blocks: Watch my free 10 min masterclass...
Published 03/27/24
If you want to increase your self-worth, evidence of change is built through action. It's one thing to aspire to become your future self, or to wish for a better life, but proving to yourself that you can follow through with your intentions is what makes actual shifts in your reality. Listen to this episode, and discover how energetic alignment and embodied actions solidify new beliefs about yourself, for elevated self-confidence and self-worth 💧 Learn More about how RRT can help business...
Published 03/25/24