This is the best strategy you can use to help your students study for their test.
Published 12/15/19
This teaching strategy is often used in the classroom, I have even used it many times, yet it is a giant waste of time and actually detrimental to your students' learning. We'll also discuss what you should do instead
Published 12/06/19
This fun, interactive game to play with the whole class is lots of fun and will help them master the skill.
Published 11/23/19
Have you ever noticed that the way we teach math in the classroom is not the way we naturally learn new skills?
Published 11/17/19
We know that we're supposed to differentiate our instruction, and we're supposed to remediate our students. But have you ever considered the benefits of differentiating your remediation? Here's why you should, and how to begin
Published 11/09/19
How many practice problems does it take for a student to master a new concept? And what does surfing have to do with learning something new in math class?
Published 11/02/19
We keep hearing that we should differentiate instruction. But is it really that impactful? In this episode we'll look at seven reasons that you should differentiate your instruction using skills-based learning stations.
Published 10/28/19
The flipped classroom is growing in popularity, and has many good features. However, there are reasons why it may not be ideal for your class. Here's why it didn't work for me, and what I did instead to help my students find success.
Published 10/20/19
We are often frustrated by students who say they want good grades, but refuse to do the work to earn one. Let's explore why this happens, and how we can adjust to help students find success.
Published 10/05/19
Chris dives into a controversial topic and discusses why he does something many don't.
Published 09/30/19
Why you should be celebrating your students' success, and some simple, practical advice to help you do so.
Published 09/21/19
Studies show that this teaching strategy is THE most effective. Let's take a look at why, and how we can do a better job of implementing in our instructional design.
Published 09/16/19
One of the most valuable teaching strategies is giving students immediate feedback. Learn why and how in this episode. For more great resources, visit http://rethinkmathteacher.com/uncommon-teacher-challenge/
Published 09/07/19
The current teaching model penalizes students when they fail, but doesn't truly expect them to master what's being taught. I'll explain why this is the case, and what we can do to change it.
Published 09/01/19
We will look at a powerful teaching tool for differentiation, remediation, and acceleration that will allow you to get real growth out of EVERY student in your room regardless of their level, prerequisite knowledge, or required accommodation.
Published 08/26/19
Chris, your host, shares his educational story of how he went from a struggling, ineffective math teacher to a successful one who was promoted to assistant principal in just three year's time. He shares some of the strategies he learned that helped him find success, as well as free resources so that you can too.
Published 03/27/19