Being whole,complete,finished,fully grown,not one sided,not addicted to anything .
Published 03/10/22
Published 03/10/22
One of the teaching of Jesus that is very unique and difficult to do . What does it really mean? This is not emotional love!
Published 03/09/22
How to be happy here and now .Live the life of joy and ecstasy ,help those in need ,be merciful,create a right relationship with God ,with all the people you meet,and nature itself!
Published 02/10/22
How do you metanoeo into the Kingdom of God ?
Published 02/08/22
Look at the way the Jewish people thought of the Kingdom of Heaven and how the Christian think of it.
Published 02/02/22
How do we get into the kingdom of God and lead a great life!
Published 01/11/22
Do you believe in this miracle ?
Published 04/02/21
What does the word Eucharist mean ? What do Christian do at the Eucharist and Why ? What is the Jewish covenant? What is the Christian New Covenant? What is sin for a Jew? What is sin for a Christian? 
Published 03/31/21
What did the Bedouins do on the feast of the Lamb? Why did they do it? What did the Cannities do on the feast of unleavened Bread ? Why did they do it? What do the Jews do on Passover? Why do they do it?
Published 03/24/21
What is the natural explanation of the 10 signs and wonders? What do they teach us about God and His people? 
Published 03/18/21
First born son for a Jew means? What is a sign and wonder? What is a miracle? Does God take away peoples free will?
Published 03/18/21
Getting ready for Passover and Easter
Published 03/18/21
What is Mathew and Luke teaching in their first few chapters ? Please read Mathew chapters 1 and 2 and Luke chapters 1,2and 3.before you listen. What do these chapters teach us about Jesus and how we should live our lives. 
Published 12/24/20
God speaks to us. God created everything good. God loves all of creation. Men and women are equal and are created in the image and likeness of God. They have the power to create and are in charge of caring for all of creation. Tree of life represents immortality we all want it. God communicates with us. God communicates throughout our life . Sometimes in strange happenings In our life , two stories how God took care of me!
Published 10/29/20
Why isn’t Cain killed after he killed Abel? Why did people live hundreds of years in Genesis? Gilgamesh epic (myth) 2000bc very similar to Noah how come? Tower of Babel is a Zigguart 2100 b.c.! Genesis is not a statement of what things were like at the beginning but a statement of what they are now and what they should be! Covenant between God and humans is what? What is the sign of the covenant  and why?
Published 10/18/20
Who wrote it ? Why was it written? Explain tree of good and evil,tree of life ? Who is the snake in the story ? What and where is Eden? What does it mean to name animals ?
Published 10/08/20
You might want to read the first chapter of Genesis.  Who wrote this first chapter and why? What does it teach us about God and humans ? Who are the Priestly people ? Why did they write this in 587 to 539 BC ?
Published 09/25/20
What is historical critical interpretation of the Bible ? What are some of the truths in the story of Jonah ?
Published 09/20/20
What is the historical critical method of interruption? What is the truth of a Biblical story ?
Published 09/18/20
Is their a being that is the creator of the cosmos and humans? Does that being talk to us? Why do humans care about others?
Published 09/09/20
When and how did the universe start? Where did the human race come from? When you are 20 years old living on a ship what were you thinking? What are you thinking now.
Published 09/01/20