We’ve all heard of “enlightenment” in the context of spiritual practices like Buddhism. But in this episode, my colleague Deborah Eden Tull walks us through the equally important practice of “endarkenment” and other wonderful explorations from her new book, Luminous Darkness: An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Embracing the Unknown. I very much enjoyed reading this book and appreciated her invitation to explore the realms of mind outside of our “daytime” consciousness as we practice receptivity...
Published 09/27/22
Y'all, get ready to meet a good friend and dharma sister of mine, Pam Stockton, as we discuss psychedelics and how they can be helpful on the spiritual path—in the right context, with the right preparation, for folks who can benefit from them, which isn't everyone. You can learn more about Pam at her website, which is linked below. And if you'd like to learn more about the basic teachings of Buddhism, there's a link to my free courses, too. Pam Stockton is licensed as a professional...
Published 08/10/22
Y'all, I'm so happy to share a conversation I had with Emily Anchia, the Digital Manager at my home sangha, Dawn Mountain. Her degree is in personal finance, so we talked money stuff, and she comes at the topic from a more spiritual angle that reminds me of Marie Kondo more than the finance bros on YouTube.   If you'd like to learn more about the basics of Buddhism, please see the links below to my free courses for beginners and to my favorite comprehensive intro courses on Buddhism and...
Published 07/27/22
Hello, friends, and welcome to this interview with Moriah Williams, who's going to share with us some of their wisdom about the world we can see and how it connects to the unseen. If you've ever felt like there's more to the human experience than what our senses show us, you'll probably enjoy getting to meet this remarkable healer. If you'd like to learn more about the basics of Buddhism, please check out the links below to my book, The Buddhist Path to Joy, and my free online courses for...
Published 07/13/22
A bodhisattva is one who has vowed to train to become fully awakened (enlightened) in order to benefit all beings. This spiritual aspiration has inspired countless people to devote their lives to developing their capacities for wisdom and compassion. The starting assumption for Mahayana Buddhism is that all living beings have the same potential for awakening. Thus, we are all capable of becoming bodhisattvas. In Mahayana Buddhism, the quality the bodhisattva cultivates is "bodhicitta": 'the...
Published 06/30/22
Hello, friends. If you're interested in the basics of Buddhism and want a fun introduction to the history, beliefs, and practices of the various Buddhist lineages, I have a great new learning platform to share with you: Buddhist Studies Online or BSO. Today I'm talking with Dr. Kate Hartmann, a Harvard PhD in Religious Studies and one of the folks behind Buddhist Studies Online and the instructor for BSO 101 about the history, philosophy, and practice of Buddhism. Kate is Assistant...
Published 06/30/22
If you’ve ever wondered how to “get serious” about practicing Tibetan Buddhism, you might be relieved to know that you don’t have to become a monk or nun, and you don’t have to spend the rest of your life in a cave. In this episode, I’ll talk with Aaron of the organization Dharma Gates on what’s involved when you want to become a serious student of Tibetan Buddhism, including how to connect with a teacher and community. We’ll have a live conversation about this on June 30, and you can find...
Published 06/27/22
A bodhisattva is one who has vowed to train to become fully awakened (enlightened) in order to benefit all beings. This spiritual aspiration has inspired countless people to devote their lives to developing their capacities for wisdom and compassion. The starting assumption for Mahayana Buddhism is that all living beings have the same potential for awakening. Thus, we are all capable of becoming bodhisattvas. In Mahayana Buddhism, the quality the bodhisattva cultivates is "bodhicitta": 'the...
Published 06/16/22
The previous episode was a live talk I offered on Insight Timer with some ideas for doing meditation practice for those who have died. Here's the guided meditation from the end of that talk so you can come back to it easily. My free mini-course on the Tibetan teachings on death and rebirth: https://geni.us/bardoscourse Amitabha’s mantra: OM AMI DEVA HRI Watch this on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DwTaIWqwvtY More on Amitabha: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amit%C4%81bha More mantras:...
Published 06/08/22
If you've lost a friend or loved one recently -- or just want to offer some practice to help folks you hear about on the news who've recently passed -- here are a few simple suggestions, plus a little background from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This is a longer, live version of the previous episode, for those who prefer a short talk. I’ll explain how to prepare to support your loved one (or a stranger) who’s recently died, based on Tibetan Buddhist teachings as well as modern research on...
Published 06/08/22
If you know someone who’s recently died (or want to help the people we all hear about on the news every day who die of COVID, in wars, or in gun violence), here’s an explanation and a short practice. I’ll explain how to prepare to support your loved one (or a stranger) who’s recently died, based on Tibetan Buddhist teachings as well as modern research on near death experiences and cases of reincarnation. I’ll also show you how to use the mantra of Amitabha, the buddha of limitless light...
Published 05/27/22
This is an audio version of a bow of respect to everyone who's listening to this show. Today I want to appreciate you, especially folks in countries where this podcast has been ranked high on the charts for all Buddhist shows for months now. Thank you to everyone who's supported this show with your time and attention. 🙏🏻 --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/buddhist-wisdom/message
Published 05/20/22
If you've ever wondered what the most important teaching in Buddhism is, now you know! If you understand impermanence -- that things are constantly changing -- then the rest of Buddha's teachings make sense.   There are two levels to this constant change or flow: "gross" and subtle. The first level refers to the changes we notice, like when a wildfire burns through a community, transforming it overnight. At the subtlest level, science shows us that the subatomic particles that make up the...
Published 05/10/22
I was listening to a Radiolab episode recently (link & description below) that was all about nihilism and why it seems to be having a moment right now.   It got me thinking about the difference between Buddhism, with all its talk about how nothing is inherently existent, we're all going to die, etc., and proper nihilism.    The difference? Buddha nature! After we strip away everything, there's still a luminous layer of reality according to Buddhist teachings.   Radiolab episode:...
Published 05/06/22
Happy May the 4th, fellow Star Wars nerds! 🤓   If, like me, you've ever wondered, "Is the Force real?" then this video is for you! I'll share a few thoughts on ideas from Buddhism and Asian martial arts about the life force energy (qi, chi, prana, etc.) that circulates through the body and through the world around us.   And did you know that when George Lucas came up with the Jedi, he was inspired in part by Zen Buddhism? Yep.   So nerd out with me, and if you have other Star Wars/Buddhism...
Published 05/04/22
Every Easter, I think about the similarities between the Tibetan teachings about the transition from one life to the next -- that we die, experience an in-between state called the bardo of becoming, and then take shape again in our next lifetime. I hope the story of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection helps you reflect on what you're ready to leave behind and how you'd like to be reborn. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/buddhist-wisdom/message
Published 04/17/22
The Buddha taught that awakening is our ticket out of an endless round of deaths and rebirths. But these days, many folks don't believe in rebirth and wonder if nirvana is real. So let's talk about what full awakening means and the ways different traditions describe it. For more on karma, rebirth, nirvana, and more basic Buddhist teachings, see my book, The Buddhist Path to Joy: https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy The previous teachings in this mini-series: Karma and how to tidy yours up:...
Published 04/15/22
There's no "self" in Buddhism, so what gets reborn? Do we keep connecting with loved ones lifetime after lifetime? And most important: what can we do now to optimize our chances of a good rebirth? For more on karma, rebirth, nirvana, and more basic Buddhist teachings, see my book, The Buddhist Path to Joy: https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy The previous teaching in this mini-series (karma and how to tidy yours up): https://youtu.be/yWrOvRUodck May you and all beings be well. --- Send in...
Published 04/08/22
Dukkha (unease or unsatisfactoriness) is the main problem the Buddhist tradition helps us solve. In this meditation, you'll be guided to notice mental and physical states of unease, stress, or discomfort and offer yourself compassion in response. For more on Buddhist basics, see my new book, The Buddhist Path to Joy, available free through April 1 (2022): https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy May you and all beings be well. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/buddhist-wisdom/message
Published 03/29/22
If you’ve ever wondered what karma is or how to get rid of bad karma, you’re not alone. We all have felt the effects of bad karma in our life, but what is it and how do you get rid of it? The term karma is a Sanskrit word that refers to a causality in Buddhism. Karma is not something that you can see; just like electricity, it is invisible. It is a process, a law of nature. The good news is that we can counteract negative karma from the past when we cultivate positive karma. For more on...
Published 03/29/22
You can check out my new book about the Four Noble Truths, The Buddhist Path to Joy, for free this week! Available worldwide. https://geni.us/buddhistpathtojoy --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/buddhist-wisdom/message
Published 03/28/22
If you’ve decided to take refuge (become a Buddhist), what should you do to get ready? It’s not rocket science, but this is a significant commitment, so here are some ideas for anyone who wants to take this step. If you’ve ever wondered how to become a Buddhist, this episode is for you! My friend and colleague Loppon Yudron Wangmo shares her insights on what refuge means – and if you want to take refuge with her, live on Zoom, then register at the link below. Register to take refuge:...
Published 03/26/22
Happy Saturday, friends, and keep an eye on your feed this Monday (March 28) for a link to grab my first book, The Buddhist Path to Joy, for free! May you and all beings be well. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/buddhist-wisdom/message
Published 03/26/22
Taking refuge is how you become a Buddhist and commit to waking up out of samsara (the endless cycle of deaths and rebirths). You can meditate and get lots of benefit from Buddhist practices without taking refuge, but deciding to walk the dharma path is a significant moment in the spiritual path. If you’ve ever wondered how to become a Buddhist, this episode is for you! My friend and colleague Loppon Yudron Wangmo shares her insights on what refuge means – and if you want to take refuge with...
Published 03/25/22
What does it mean to take refuge in the three jewels (Buddha, dharma, and sangha), and what’s the benefit of taking refuge? Do you have to be Buddhist to practice meditation?   If you’ve ever wondered how to become a Buddhist, this episode is for you! My friend and colleague Loppon Yudron Wangmo shares her insights on what refuge means – and if you want to take refuge with her, live on Zoom, then register at the link below.   Register to take refuge:...
Published 03/23/22