Dear Diet,
I have had enough, I am so breaking up with you for the last time! I am blocking your number from my phone and from all my online dieting apps. Yes, I know, you aren't taking me seriously because I've done this a hundred times before!
Tune in to hear more and how you maybe inspired to fix the real problem, because it's not food! Enjoy!
Grab your coffee or tea and kick back and join Crystal Girgenti and Lynn MacDonald for a open discussion on what it takes to up level anything in your life! Clear the fear and the blocks to soar into the life you really want!
Published 04/22/19
The Mindset Chat Podcast is already celebrating a new birth! Crystal Girgenti and I are pleased and excited to share with you a year long transformational program, The Path to Freedom! The premise of the program is to support you with a monthly live video, tools and "homework" to give you the...
Published 04/06/19
Join me on The Mindset Chat Podcast as the #1 best selling author of The Courageous Journey to Self-Love! Imagine, if you loved yourself at 100% what your life would be like? How would you live your life? Join me for a an open honest chat about how you lost your self love and how to get it back...
Published 04/04/19