3-10家人就是家人,无论是生来就血脉相连的,亦或是相伴余生的,又或是开枝散叶,收获的小家庭。有家人在,每天都是体验圣诞日。3-10Family is family. Whether it's the one you start out with... the one that you end up with... Or the family that you gain along the way... Which makes every day December 16th. 3-17我今天的情绪就跟翻江倒海似的。我害怕,我生气。我生气因为我害怕。现在我脑袋都成浆糊了。因为刚刚绊的那一下让我好痛。这一切让我好伤心,我却不知道为什么。这臭味令我恶心 但是我却好饿。期望太高是我的错。3-17I have been on an emotional roller coaster all day today. I'm afraid. I'm mad. I'm mad because I'm afraid, and now I can't even think straight because I'm in so much pain from what just happened over there! And the whole thing makes me so sad, and I'm not even sure why, and I'm nauseous from that smell but I'm so hungry. It's my fault for letting my expectations get too high.
4-02成功来自于1%的灵感,98%的努力,以及2%对细节的注意。通过一个人的自传 你可以很好地了解他。一天至少看一次日出如果你爱着什么 给它自由,除非它是只老虎如果你碰到塞车,两嘴嘟起在鼻子下夹支蜡笔,就是一撇完美的假胡子 生活给了你甜甜的柠檬水,你就把它变成酸酸的柠檬。生活就会大吃一惊说 你搞毛啊"Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail." "You can tell a lot about a person from his biography." "Watch a...
Published 05/27/23
3-20老爸 你今天怎么这么诡异?是跟沃特去世有关吗?不,与他在世时没来得及做的事有关。他没能和女儿共创特殊的美好回忆。我不想成为他那样的一个父亲。要做就做尤金·塞尔南那样的。尤金·塞尔南是谁?阿波罗17号的宇航员,月上最后一人 史上最酷的爹。他离开月球时 他俯下身去,把他女儿名字的缩写 刻在了月球表面。由于月球上没有空气流动。所以字会永远留在那。所以每次当她仰望天空时,就能收到那专属于她的讯息。3-20- Dad, why are you acting like this? Is this about Walt dying? No. It's about what he...
Published 03/05/23