This episode outlines the four parts of the exam: Mutliple Choice, Short Answer Questions, Document Based Question, & Long Essay Question. Timing for each segment as well as what to expect and how many questions is discussed along with scoring suggestions for how to score a passing score of 3 on the AP Exam.
MCQ- 2:30
SAQ- 4:44
DBQ-7:00 (does contain information about the LEQ as well)
LEQ- 14:45 (Rubric scoring specific)
Scores to Pass- 18:00
Visit Test Overview for images of these details.
Short on time to review and just need a memory refresh? Try out the QUICK HITS! If you need a detailed dive into content, check out the regular episodes. The descriptions contain time stamps for the included content.
Published 04/30/24
Short on time to review and just need a memory refresh? Try out the QUICK HITS! If you need a detailed dive into content, check out the regular episodes. The descriptions
contain time stamps for the included content.
Overview of the Age of Exploration: Prince Henry the Navigator, the Encomienda...
Published 04/29/24