Join Sten as he tells a fascinating story about a solar flare in the past that could have huge impact if it were to happen today.
Published 05/05/09
Learn more about auroras on other planets in our solar system. Join us for a beautiful Polar Sunrise; then experience a trip through the tundra as we search for aurora!
Published 05/05/09
During the webcast, scientists Eric Christian, Nicky Fox, Terry Kucera and Sten Odenwald shared discoveries about the sun, while students monitored the sun and prepared their own space weather forecast - Hosted by Troy Cline and Paul Mortfield.
Published 03/27/09
Join us as we explore the Top Five Solar Discoveries.
Published 03/16/09
NASA Astronomer, Dr. Sten Odenwald explains the blackout of 1989 and it's effects. At the end of the video we are treated to a fantastic interview with Troy, the NASA Edge crew, and Dr. Sten Odenwald.
Published 03/12/09
Join us on March 20, 2009 for Sun-Earth Day. Our Sun, yours to discover.
Published 03/10/09
Astronomers have studied solar flares for the last century but only in the last 50 years have their impacts to radiation and communications technologies become more than just a nuance to just be endured.
Published 11/19/08
You know you're not supposed to stare at the sun, but who could resist a peek at this? A new NASA spacecraft called the Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, will deliver startling images of the sun with ten times more detail than HDTV.
Published 11/06/08
Learn why our poles are so important to study when it comes to exploring other planets.
Published 10/06/08
Learn about the mechanics of an eclipse and enjoy several interviews with scientists.
Published 07/25/08
NASA and university researchers gather to explore Sun-Earth interactions and Polar Science.
Published 06/26/08
This is the right time for us to open our eyes so that we can go, learn with other populations of the world.
Published 05/27/08