Reframing is a core element of NLP. It's a simple yet powerful process that can mean the difference between you have a stressed and uptight life or one much more enjoyable one. Seriously, it really is that good. And the great news is, you'll already do this in some shape or form. 
Published 03/18/18
There are 3 areas that I'll separate out for Deletions. These are Nominalisations, Unspecified verbs and Simple deletions. For clarity, the purpose of understanding deletions is to get to the heart of another person map. We are deletions machines, it allows us to simplify and fast track through life, but this means we miss so much of what actually is going on for a person. The first sections we can take a deep dive into is Nominalisations, I have
Published 03/17/18
Generally speaking, generalisations are everywhere. Learn this and begin to spot generalisations in NLP. Generalisations are one of the fundamental pieces of the Meta-model. With already took a deep dive into distortions which you can find here and also the question, what is the Meta-model and you can find that here too. Generalisations generally occur whenever a person generalises specific information. So much of the Meta-model helps us navigate what we do daily.
Published 03/16/18
There are five main distortions in NLP seen in the Meta model. They are:  Mind reading  Cause-and-effect  Lost performative  Complex equivalence  Presuppositions Mind Reading We are all guilty of mind reading I know you are! A mind read is categorised by knowing what someone else is thinking or feeling but without any information to support that thought. Mind reading can come in lots of different forms.
Published 01/13/18
The NLP Meta model is a linguistic process that was developed back in the 70s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. The Meta model gives you a set of questions that allow you to gain some high-quality information. By now, you probably understand that each of us represents the world very differently. We have our own map. The Meta model allows you to question a person's map to discover more detail and more of what is
Published 01/12/18
This is part 2 of the NLP beliefs of excellence. Here is Part 1 You Cannot Not Communicate We understand communication is something that we usually do verbally. However, any thoughts or feelings that are happening internally, will begin to affect us physiologically on the outside and therefore will be communicating with others how and where we are at that time. whether verbally or nonverbally we cannot not communicate, and others around us are always communicating.
Published 01/11/18
What and how we believe can dramatically change the way we live our lives. And the great thing about beliefs is we can change them at any time that we choose. NLP, which is the study of excellence which to put even more simply. The study of what works. And from studying what works comes these beliefs of excellence. Have a read through these beliefs of excellence and try them on the size. If you absorb and live by these beliefs, imagine how differently you would see situations.
Published 01/10/18
Nominalisations happen whenever a person describes a process (Verb) as a thing (Noun). Usually, a thing that cannot be picked up. You will hear NLP'ers talk about nominalisations is nouns that you can't put in a wheelbarrow. Nominalisations are stuck in time. Much of NLP is about uncovering and discovering the real meaning or intention behind the communication. Whenever a person describes something using a nominalisation, it seems very factual and stable.
Published 01/09/18
The is session number 15. This is about learning frames of NLP. A picture can change by merely changing its frame. Learning frames in NLP allows us to view situations through different lenses. I'll show 7 NLP learning frames in this session. These are the most used and helpful. In my opinion.
Published 12/17/17
This is session number 14 and no doubt if you've delved into NLP you will have heard, "The Map is Not The Territory". With its roots set in 1931 Science & Sanity, this is an essential part of understanding subjectivity. But what is the meaning of the map is not the territory? But what the hell does it mean and why is this such an important part of NLP?
Published 12/16/17
T.O.T.E stands for Test, operate, test, exit. It is a dynamic feedback model that allows us to begin to understand what works and what doesn't. The tote model can be applied in just about every situation where you have a desired outcome in mind. If you do have a desired outcome, that presupposes that you don't currently have that result otherwise, it would be your present state or current situation.
Published 12/15/17
This is Episode 012 of the NLP In Action podcast. This session is all about controlling your state, by controlling your inner voice and the way it or should say you make you feel. Your inner voice is the one that is talking to you right now. Perhaps even while you're listening, or reading this that internal voice is still chattering away. There's a chance is asking you because it wants to ask me where I'm going with this, or perhaps you're confirming to yourself that you've heard something...
Published 03/18/16
This is session number 11 of the NLP in actions podcast and today's show is all about the Pattern Interrupt. So much of NLP is is flexible and not a one trick pony. Its tools, techniques, and principles are readily transferable and have the ability to integrate with others, creating amazing flexibility and profound changes. The pattern interrupt follows this exact same pattern of flexibility in its applications but it uses can seem so different. What is a Pattern Interrupt As we discover in...
Published 03/11/16
This is Episode 010 of the NLP In Action podcast. This show is all about the Circle of Excellence. There are a few name variations to this but the principles are all the same. So just embrace the process and look for new applications and variations yourself. One of the main core skills of NLP is state management. Having the ability to manage your state in various circumstances has a massive positive impact. Most people let their states managed them. The Circle of excellence, sometimes known...
Published 03/04/16
This is Episode 009 of the NLP In Action podcast and this session is all about representational systems, sometimes called rep systems in the world of NLP. Rep systems are yet another corner stone of NLP and without them, you will literally be in the dark. A representational system, can be defined as particular senses we use to describe our experience of the world. There are 3 main and 5 overall representational systems for the purpose of this explanation. These are Visual, Auditory,...
Published 02/26/16
This is Episode 008 of the NLP In Action podcast. And you would understand why this is number 8 if you understood fully where I'm coming from. Metaphorically speaking! This session is on Perceptual Positions. Most of you even if you've never heard of this will do this in some ways most days. But.... when you add some structure and methodology it will allow you to become a more rounded, could I say balanced person. Understanding perceptual positions can allow you to be the ultimate placater...
Published 02/09/16
This is Episode 006 of the NLP In Action podcast. This episode is all about matching and mirroring. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misused of all of the NLP tool-box. What some believe and shouldn't If you match and mirror an individual's physiology pitch, pace and volume and more during an interaction you'll be able to create a rapid and solid rapport with them. There is a very fine line with matching and mirroring and it's not copying and mimicking. There is nothing worse than...
Published 01/22/16
This is Episode 005 of the NLP In Action podcast. This show is all about eye accessing cues. Typically people who being to look into NLP at first, are very excited to learn that the way a person moves their eyes can tell you a lot about how they are experiencing the world and what they may be thinking. In a nutshell, the eyes typically move in 6 directions while a person is talking Up and Left Up and Right Across Left Across Right Down to the Left Down to the Right Have you noticed...
Published 01/06/16
This is Episode 004 of the NLP In Action podcast. Technically this is directly related to NLP but it's something that needs to be understood from the get go. Now as you start to listen you'll hear things like Reticular Cortex and such like. Do not be put off by these. It gets interesting as we go along. You'll find out a crucial part of you neurology and how you can begin to operate your brain more effectively. 
Published 12/04/15
This is Episode 003 of the NLP In Action podcast. In this podcast, I cover the basis of effective goal setting and well-formed outcomes. The basic outlines I explain can be a great template for you to build upon any goal you wish to achieve.  There are a number of versions of this and as with all NLP, just find what works for you.
Published 12/04/15
Understand the cause and effect principle and uncover some hidden empowerment. This is a well-documented psychological principle and in my mind should be a life skill taught to all ages. 
Published 12/04/15
What is NLP from Mike Sweet the 10 Minute Coach. This a fast track understanding of what NLP is and how you can apply it in your life.
Published 12/04/15