Final series of climate emergency drama set in a flooded future world written by Linda Marshall Griffiths.
'The Library of Everything' - when what comes after is more dangerous than what came before.
Jessie diverts the drones that are tracking Birdie so that she can get to the Library of Everything - but will Birdie be able to open it?
JESSIE.....Sade Malone
BIRDIE.....Poppy O'Brien
THE ANGEL.....Remmie Milner
MAURICE.....Pearce Quigley
CAL.....Cel Spellman
LAURIE.....Jenny Platt
GIL.....Rupert Hill
LEO.....Hamish Rush
Written by Linda Marshall Griffiths
Directed by Nadia Molinari
Sound Design by Sharon Hughes
Programme consultants: Dr James M. Lea; Dr Ian Dawson; Dr. Andrew F. Field.