A teaching assistant explains the process of transformation and protein expression, using the example of human insulin expressed in bacterial cells.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant explains the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and examples of its common uses.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant works through a practice problem on pedigree charts.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant explains how to construct genomic libraries and cDNA libraries.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant works through a practice problem on transcription and translation.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant explains the lac operon, using props to demonstrate how the lactose metabolism machinery works.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant works through a practice problem on Complementation.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant explains the concept of complementation using knitting needles and yarn to demonstrate.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant explains the numbering and labeling conventions of nucleic acids and proteins.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Lander continues with the discussion of DNA Sequencing technologies, methods of analyzing DNA sequencing data, and the process of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and its applications.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Lander explains methods of analyzing a gene of interest after it has been cloned.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Lander reviews the process of constructing a DNA library, and then discusses how to analyze and use the information in the library.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Sive introduces macromolecules, and discusses the structures, properties, and functions of lipids and carbohydrates.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant goes over a practice problem on lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Lander uses the human beta globin gene as an example to discuss methods of cloning a human gene in bacterials cells.
Published 06/18/15
A teaching assistant goes over a practice problem on covalent bonds, chirality, electronegativity, and hydrogen bonds.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Walker discusses the chemical forces that are important for the structure and function of biomolecules, and how these properties influence the characteristics of key macromolecules.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Sive discusses the chemical reactions within a cell by explaining the rules underlying energy use, how enzymes and catalysts work, and how ATP is used in cells.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Walker explains the process of photosynthesis, its evolutionary significance, and the structure of chloroplasts.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Walker gives an overview of glycolysis, respiration, and fermentation, and how cells use the energy from these processes.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Lander discusses variations in the processes of DNA replication, transcription, and translation among eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and viruses.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Walker explains the categories of amino acids, the levels of protein structure, the bonds and forces in each level, and how they can influence protein structure.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Jacks discusses the methods of recombinant DNA technology, Genetic engineering, and biotechnology, and their applications to understanding and treating disease at the molecular level.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Lander continues discussing the central dogma of molecular biology, and explains the process of translation.
Published 06/18/15
Professor Sive discusses proteins, their characteristics and functions, as well as composition and structure.
Published 06/18/15