“What if a HUMAN made white diamond but she was like a baby so she was small enough to fit she was a lil baby 👶🏼 and when she got older she got to big so she stayed outside the human made her mad 😡 and she left the human to a planet that was covered in gems Safire and ruby and there was a small ocean filled with different colored pearls pink blue white green and she found out she had magic and made her two friends the shy one (blue ) and the bossy one (yellow) and they were “the same age” and as they got older they made new friends sapphires and rubys and pearls and pink quartz and amathests 💎 imagine any gems you have like on a ring 💍 that is a gem like poofed just waiting to escape…”
#mandatoryreview via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·