“I recently became enamored of the Overthinking It blog, and figured I'd give the podcast a try. After reading the site, I certainly expected them to be longwinded, and it's hardly something I mind in text form, and occasionally in audio form. When I tuned in, I expected an in-depth analysis of the Harry Potter phenomenon (per the episode's description), presumably in the context of the newly released 7th HP film. What I got instead was a long, meandering intro which attempted to offer a working definition of magic by way of David Duchovny, Sandra Bullock, and Star Wars. It reminded me favorably of the IFC News podcast during this section, but while OI seems to have a slightly more academic approach than IFC News, its pace leaves something to be desired. By the halfway point, nothing Harry Potter had been discussed, and I felt like I'd been sold a false bill of goods.
But then... it began! They spent the next [what felt like] 10-15 minutes tediously discussing their respective histories with the Harry Potter books before revealing that NONE of them have seen the latest film. After spending 45 mostly unremarkable minutes with this podcast, this revelation was just too much for me. I not only turned off the podcast; I also hastily deleted it.
Gentlemen, I quite enjoy your blog. And I think you have a lot to offer by way of commentary on pop culture. But that episode was a complete waste of time.”
Juansmith via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·