27 episodes

Velkommen til Person & Vern, en podcast av EYD.

EYD er et selskap som skal gi deg og dine kunder den beste personvernsopplevelsen. Å behandle personopplysninger kan ikke kimses med. Med EYD sin innsynstjeneste og generelle rådgivning, skal din bedrift være i stand til å behandle personopplysninger lovlig, effektivt og transparent.

Lurer du på noe innen personvern, podcasten vår eller til EYD generelt? Send en e-post til hello@eyd.tech eller besøk nettsiden vår: https://eyd.tech/no/

Person og Vern EYD

    • Technology

Velkommen til Person & Vern, en podcast av EYD.

EYD er et selskap som skal gi deg og dine kunder den beste personvernsopplevelsen. Å behandle personopplysninger kan ikke kimses med. Med EYD sin innsynstjeneste og generelle rådgivning, skal din bedrift være i stand til å behandle personopplysninger lovlig, effektivt og transparent.

Lurer du på noe innen personvern, podcasten vår eller til EYD generelt? Send en e-post til hello@eyd.tech eller besøk nettsiden vår: https://eyd.tech/no/

    Episode 26 - NTNU i forkant! m/Heine Skipenes

    Episode 26 - NTNU i forkant! m/Heine Skipenes

    Episode 26 - NTNU i forkant! m/Heine Skipenes

    Vi knuser i gang med sesong 2 av Person & Vern, en podkast fra oss personvernentusiaster i EYD.

    Heine Skipenes er seniorrådgiver personvern på NTNU og er prosjektleder for "Pilotere Co-pilot for Microsoft 365" i Datatilsynets regulatoriske sandkasse.

    Vi snakker om:

    -Hvorfor personvern er viktig

    -Kunstig intelligens


    -At du må ta risiko i en verden av teknologi og innovasjon

    -Viktigheten av å si ifra dersom avvik oppstår


    23. mai 2024 legger NTNU frem resultatet sitt fra prosjektet i Trondheim sammen med Datatilsynet.


    Se også hvordan NTNU ligger an per nå med sine løypemeldinger:


    Lære mer om personvern? Se EYD sin nettside:


    Dagens vert var: Daniel Osen, personvernrådgiver i EYD

    Musikk er laget av: Aleksander Helle

    • 41 min
    Episode 25 - Brittany Kaiser, founder and CEO of Own Your Data

    Episode 25 - Brittany Kaiser, founder and CEO of Own Your Data

    Episode 25 - Brittany Kaiser, co-founder and CEO of Own Your Data

    Does this episode need a description? It's our Queen, our fighter and the great gladiator for human rights and privacy!

    Brittany Kaiser holds a PhD in International law and Diplomacy. Without a doubt, her name got thrown out in the public after being a brave whistleblower on Facebook. The Cambridge Analytica scandal is one of the most heard of scandals in the tech industry and definitely in privacy industry. Brittany is a strong character in the Netflix documentary The Great Hack where she reveals Facebooks downside when it comes to human rights, privacy and data manipulation.

    EYD's CEO, Louise Juul Helliksen had a great chat with Brittany about:

    US and European Privacy
    US Election and Brittany's desire for more focus on digital rights
    Your digital footprint as a consumer
    Digital ethics
    The ability to become a trustworthy company these days
    Facebook having Slot Machine Designers to make you as a consumer addicted to your screen!

    Check out EYD's website for privacy friendly solutions to make your business compliant!

    Intro/outro music: Aleksander Helle

    Intro/outro voice: Our own Privacy Advisor, Daniel Osen

    • 27 min
    Episode 24 - Privacy by Design w/Mervin Monfort

    Episode 24 - Privacy by Design w/Mervin Monfort

    Episode 24 - Privacy by Design w/Mervin Monfort

    In this episode we turn to the designer. Is there any requirements when designing a website, or is just to put the magic shapes, boxes and colour out there for the best of being?

    Mervin is a postgraduate student at Brunel University London, and is taking his masters in digital design. In his work, we help companies creating a beautiful website, but he is also aware of the privacy landscape, especially after moving from India to the UK. Mervin is not used to all of these cookie warnings and privacy concerns. In India it has been a sloppy regulation... Until August 2023!

    What happened? Well, you will need to listen!

    -Privacy Made Simple

    This episode is made by our Privacy Advisor Daniel Osen

    Music is made by Aleksander Helle

    Visit EYD's website for more about privacy, tech and information security.

    • 50 min
    Episode 23 - Helse, ID og sikkerhet

    Episode 23 - Helse, ID og sikkerhet

    Episode 23 - Helse, ID og sikkerhet

    I denne episoden møter vår daglige leder Louise Juul Helliksen to av Norges mest kompetente personer innen Helse ID og personopplysninger. Tjenesteier Ragnhild Varmedal og personvernombud Marit Kristin Larsen Horr, begge ansatt i Norsk Helsenett.

    2 og 3 ting man burde ta med seg etter episoden!

    1. Personvern kan komme i veien for godt helsevern. Pasientinformasjon skal være tilgjengelig for effektiv behandling. Marit presiserer viktigheten av å verifisere hvem mottaker er når man deler personopplysninger! Er det en lege? Kan det være lureri og fanteri? Det har DU ansvar for å finne ut av.

    2. Hovedregelen har vært at ingen helseopplysninger skal deles digitalt. Verden har lenge vært i en digital omveltning, der man i dag sjeldent ser fysisk papir, med mindre det er for brukerens praktiske formål. Ragnhild nevner at til syvende og sist, etter mange sikkerhetsbarrierer, så er det en magefølelse i dette, som i flere andre yrker. "Vi sender informasjon om kneet til legen, men vi sender ikke informasjon om pasientens psykiatri" er et eksempel på en vurdering.


    I Norge er vi så heldig stilt at alle landets offentlige tjenester vil oss vel. Selv om ting kan gå "tregt" og "traurig", så har vi høy tillit til helsevesenet, nettopp fordi de er utrolig dyktig! For å unngå å miste tillit, er det viktig å dele informasjon raskt, effektivt og uten at pasienten skal måtte huke av for det ene og det andre, samtidig som at pasienten skal ha kontroll over personopplysningene sine. Effekt og sikkerhet er ikke motstridende (selv om det av og til kan virke slik), det er hånd i hanske.

    EYD har tjenester for innsyn, samtykke, personvernerklæring og mye, mye mer. Ta en titt for å se hvordan du kan få et bekymringsfritt GDPR-liv her: https://eyd.tech/no/

    Episoden er laget av Louise Juul Hellksen

    Musikk er laget av Aleksander Helle

    • 34 min
    Episode 22 - Identity and Privacy (Part 2) w/Allan Foster and Niels Flensted-Jensen

    Episode 22 - Identity and Privacy (Part 2) w/Allan Foster and Niels Flensted-Jensen

    Episode 22 - Identity and Privacy w/Allan Foster and Niels Flensted-Jensen

    Niels begins with a striking statement: "Amazon doesn't care who you are, as long as you pay and don't complain." They then delve into electronic identification (eID), a concept seamlessly integrated into Nordic life, yet posing challenges in the US.

    They explore the perspectives on eID, illustrating its integration in Nordic societies like a ubiquitous digital passport. Allan offers a unique US viewpoint, highlighting the trust divide between citizens and their government.

    Niels introduces intriguing subcultures around blockchain and verifiable credentials, providing a glimpse into a future where individuals have greater control over their digital identities.

    The conversation underscores the fundamental importance of privacy in identity usage, ensuring individuals have agency over their personal information.

    Allan highlights the inherent conflict between surveillance and privacy, offering a nuanced perspective on Europe's approach to eID. The dialogue culminates in a candid exploration of trust, its fragility, and the implications of putting faith in technological systems.

    The episode concludes with the speakers unraveling the intricate relationship between surveillance, privacy, and societal trust, leaving listeners with a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the evolving landscape of digital identity and privacy.

    Look through our services at: https://eyd.tech/home

    Music is made by: Aleksander Helle

    • 27 min
    Episode 21 - Identity and Privacy w/Allan Foster (Part 1)

    Episode 21 - Identity and Privacy w/Allan Foster (Part 1)

    Episode 21 - Identity and Privacy w/Allan Foster (Part 1)

    In this episode of Person & Vern, our CEO Louise Juul Helliksen sits down with Allan Foster, the visionary founder of ForgeRock, a trailblazer in identity and access management solutions. Tune in as they embark on a journey through the intricate world of digital identities, exploring everything from the impact of ID cards and APIs in different corners of the globe, to the remarkable growth story of ForgeRock.

    Allan shares his insights into managing the colossal identities within the U.S. Department of Defense, shedding light on the unique challenges that arise when uniting disparate departments. Join us as we delve into the shifting dynamics of privacy and identity management, from authoritarian states to decentralized systems.

    From Max Schrems' thought-provoking keynote on privacy requirements to the evolving landscape of global identity solutions driven by tech giants, this episode promises to be a riveting exploration of a subject that touches us all in the digital age.

    Join us for this insightful and engaging conversation that promises to unveil the complexities and possibilities of managing identities in a connected world.

    Visit EYD at our website for more features and services within technology and privacy here: https://eyd.tech/home

    Music by: Aleksander Helle

    • 28 min

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