When a dead body and bags of heroin washed up on the southern coast of Australia, a dark tale began to unfold...
Richard Baker tells the story of The Last Voyage of the Pong Su in a new podcast from The Age & Sydney Morning Herald.
Subscribe now - iTunes, Spotify,Google Podcasts,RSS - and look out for episode 1 on October 8, 2019.
On Father’s Day, 2005, Robert Farquharson crashed his car into a dam. He survived, but his three children who were in the car with him didn’t. At first it seemed like a tragic accident. But quickly, it turned into a murder investigation.
For exclusive content and additional reporting on the...
Published 05/31/24
From The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Trial by Water is a new investigative podcast series about Robert Farquharson, who has been locked up for decades for an unthinkable crime: murdering his three sons in a dam on Father’s Day, 2005.
Now scientists and lawyers are asking the question: did we...
Published 05/26/24