“It is extremely interesting facts of government and political functions of and for society and the benefits and welfare of others or all. And how it is sometimes taken for granted and so sensitive of an operation. I feel so fortunate and respect the obstacles and challenges our (American) politicians and what they face daily to keep things running smoothly for the citizens of this country. I often hear and view of news that seemingly regrettably report - sometimes - of an “Government Shutdown” , I’ll have to research, but it doesn’t sound like a place we want to EVER be, but lately it’s been close … actually too close for any comfort! And I DO have the understanding of how if there’s much income of certain royalties, if not properly maintained, can and will be catastrophic. Hopefully it won’t be long before they pull out of it, but judging from this report, it all starts with a determined and skilled leader including his advisors and cabinet!
May Savior be with Venezuela!
- s.jxn - ga”
Tkotoo via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·