Episode 1 begins with a discussion of the definition and types of learning in the context of psychology. A historical overview of the theories of learning is also presented.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 8 describes the various aspects related to self-efficacy. The concept, effects on behaviour and the factors involved in the development of self-efficacy are examined.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 3 examines the various aspects of operant conditioning. A comparison is made between classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Operant conditioning phenomena in teaching and learning is also discussed.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 6 describes the social cognitive view of reinforcement and punishment. It focuses on the influence of five cognitive features on behaviour.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 7 examines the theory of observational behaviour. The various aspects related to modelling are discussed in detail.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 9 presents the tenets of the cognitive perspective of learning. A model of human memory is also considered and discussed.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 10 deals with memory with emphasis on short-term and long-term memory. The theory of forgetting is also discussed.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 4 discusses the application of behavioural principles in the classroom. It also focuses on recent research in behaviourism.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 5 examines the social cognitive theory with emphasis on the contributions of Bandura in the area of observational learning.
Published 10/13/15
Episode 2 introduces the behavioral perspective of learning. Ivan PavlovÊs classical conditioning will be examined in detail. The educational implications of classical conditioning is considered and discussed.
Published 10/13/15