Stop focusing on people who don’t care. A habit some of us have, including myself, of bending over backward for people who don’t seem to care. You know what I’m talking about. Pouring our energy into relationships or situations where the care and effort aren’t reciprocated.
Published 04/09/24
Published 04/09/24
Feeling Low? 8 Ways to Stay Motivated
Published 03/25/24
You’re not alone. We’ve all experienced moments of social nervousness.  It’s that feeling of unease before a big presentation, the butterflies in your stomach when meeting new people, talking to co-workers, going on a date, or worrying about being judged in social gatherings.  But guess what? You can conquer it!  I’ll walk through five practical steps to help you reduce social nervousness and feel more confident and relaxed in social situations.
Published 03/19/24
Isn’t it something that we can get caught up in our heads, especially during conversations? It happens to the best of us. We find ourselves replaying dialogues, dissecting every word, and imagining a thousand different outcomes. This overthinking loop can be a party crasher, not just in our personal hangouts but also at work meetings, making those interactions way more stressful than they need to be. But guess what? There’s a way out of the maze.  Eliminate Negativity and Empower Your Life,...
Published 03/14/24
Taking a breather to refresh your mind is important to keeping your mental health in tip-top shape, sparking creative juices, and boosting happiness.  But, let’s face it, in our go-go-go world, it’s all too easy to overlook this.  We get wrapped up in the endless whirlwind of tasks and duties, forgetting to pause and give our minds the downtime we deserve. We’ll review seven things that will renew your mental health in transformative and healthy ways.
Published 02/22/24
If you want to reduce your emotional reactivity and get upset when things don’t go your way, or at least how you think they should go, I’ve got some simple rules that could do wonders for you.  And no, it doesn’t take much energy or willpower; it’s all about raw, unfiltered honesty with yourself. Here are 10 ways to help you be less emotionally reactive: 🔥❤️ Up Your Self Esteem Game, Eliminate Negativity and Empower Your Life: https://positivethinkingmind.com/courses/
Published 01/26/24
In simple terms, codependency is a behavioral pattern where one person relies excessively on another for emotional or psychological support.  It’s when our sense of self-worth or emotional well-being intertwines with someone else’s actions or feelings. It’s natural to care about our loved ones and want the best for them. However, where we need to draw the line is when our happiness starts to rely solely on theirs.  🔥 Up Your Self Esteem Game With Our Signature Course:...
Published 11/20/23
Learn how to build unshakeable confidence—not from empty mantras or feel-good one-liners—but from actionable, meaningful steps.
Published 11/13/23
Is there a dream you’re hesitant to chase because you’re unsure of your qualifications? If that’s the case, tune into this episode, as I’m about to guide you on how to follow your passion regardless of your qualifications or lack thereof!
Published 11/06/23
There are some things people do to try and calm their anxiety, but it ends up making their anxiety worse, and this is called the health anxiety cycle.  These tips will help you cope with your health anxiety.
Published 10/30/23
Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work
Published 10/16/23
Rumination can make you feel powerless, but there are some things you can do to break free and start feeling more in control.
Published 10/02/23
Learned helplessness and its grip can be as confining as any physical restraint, and the psychological implications of learned helplessness can manifest in many forms. If you’ve ever felt trapped in your own life, feeling unable to change your circumstances, emotions, thoughts, or outcomes, you’ve encountered this. There’s a silver lining when it comes to learned helplessness! If you’re even remotely feeling stuck or feel that achieving your goals seems impossible, there’s still hope.
Published 09/25/23
One minute, you’re laughing over coffee and sharing inside jokes, and the next, it’s like your friend has turned into a ghost.  Poof—vanished.  Texts go unanswered, calls are ignored, and you’re suddenly left wondering what happened. The pain you’re experiencing can be just as agonizing, if not more than being ghosted by someone you’re dating.  You’re left grappling with a whirlwind of questions: Did I mess up? Do they hate me now? Will we ever talk again? 🔥 Up Your Self Esteem Game With...
Published 09/18/23
Do you constantly need to validate your actions and decisions based on other people’s approval?  Do you stop yourself from doing something because you’re waiting for their green light? Well, you’re at the right place because, in this episode, we’ll discuss how you don’t need anyone’s approval to feel good about yourself.
Published 09/05/23
Picture this, a successful person, always put together, with a list of achievements that goes on for miles. But beneath that shiny exterior, there’s a persistent hum of worry and concern that’s never quite silenced. This is the world of someone living with high-functioning anxiety
Published 08/22/23
We have many reasons to worry, and a certain amount of worrying can be helpful as it directs our attention to issues that need to be managed.  However, when worry leads to constant anxiety, things have gone too far to be helpful.  We’ve all heard that we should breathe deeply when feeling anxious, but there are other possible solutions you may have never considered.  Try these ideas to deal with anxiety in a way that works for you. 🔥 Up Your Self Esteem Game With Our Signature...
Published 08/01/23
Today, we’re taking you through a world of weird anxiety symptoms.
Published 07/27/23
Here’s the question. How to stop seeking validation and approval from others? In this episode we’ll crack the code to help you:
Published 07/18/23
How to take action with 12 powerful habits that will ignite your ability to unleash your true potential.
Published 07/11/23
5 Tips Mastering Anxiety - The Power Of Movement in Mental Health
Published 07/06/23
We’re going to tackle a challenge that is as old as humanity itself, and it’s Comparing Ourselves to Others. But don’t worry; I’ve got you covered with 12 amazing things you can do instead! So, let’s dive in!
Published 06/20/23
You have the power to shape your destiny, reinvent yourself, and create a truly extraordinary life! I’ll show you how to break free from the ordinary, unleash your full potential, and become the superhero version of yourself!
Published 06/06/23
How To Stop Doomscrolling - 7 Tips To Break Free From Social Media Addiction
Published 05/22/23