Daf Yomi: Bava Metzia 103 | Rabbi Shmuel Silber
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Monday Sponsorships: TALMUD TORAH Steve & Teri Czinn with gratitude to Hashem they welcome their fifth grandchild, Gavriel Amichai Czinn born to Shayna & Eric Czinn in Rochester, New York, and in loving memory of Steve’s mother, Doris Czinn, Devorah bas R”B Yisroel Yoel z’l on her 4th yahrzeit. Shaindy and Avraham Kelman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Avraham’s father, Rephael Yechiel ben Avraham, Jerome W. Kelman z’l. WEEK OF LEARNING Hilary Jacobson Kent in memory of her daughter, Shifra bas Chana Dena z'l.
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