Andrew Y. Ng is the director of the Artificial Intelligence Lab and associate professor in computer science at Stanford University.
Published 09/25/12
Walter Isaacson, acclaimed biographer of Apple’s founder, discusses Job’s brilliant ability to match creativity with technology within a highly disciplined framework of simple yet elegant design. Speakers: Walter Isaacson, David Rubenstein
Published 09/25/12
The best-selling author of Imagine thinks differently than most about how creativity “happens.” Demystifying our notions of who is creative and what constitutes a creative type, Lehrer offers insights through history and contemporary society to the nature of human inventiveness—which, at its core, is really quite scientific. Can you imagine? Speakers: Jonah Lehrer
Published 09/25/12
If we combine the data in our physical lives and the data in our online lives—connected by mobile tech highways—are we in fact programming ourselves? Might we use data about ourselves and knowledge about how humans work to make ourselves better? Speakers: Alexis Madrigal, James T. Powell
Published 09/25/12
How do mobile, local, and social trends change the way we experience the Internet and the world? Is it happening other places faster? Speakers: Marissa Mayer, Jerry Murdock, Dave Morin, Tim O'Reilly, Eric Feng
Published 09/24/12
With each turn in the evolution of interactive entertainment has come new capabilities, new ways to delight consumers by translating complex technologies into the simplest and most intuitive experiences. On some level, the video game industry has been the forerunner in bringing new cuttingedge technology to the masses, on-boarding consumers with the latest technologies, tools and experiences. Kinect started as a controller free gaming device, but has gone far beyond its origins to begin to...
Published 09/24/12
As designers become more involved in solving the world’s problems, dealing with complexity becomes paramount. This requires a paradigm shift for the practice of design, moving from thinking about the world in the way that Isaac Newton encouraged us to think about it to the way Charles Darwin thought about it. Embracing a more evolutionary approach to design can do more than enable us to create better products and services. We can use these ideas and principles to tackle some of the most...
Published 09/24/12
For the same reason people once referred to the television as the “vast wasteland,” some today consider the world of gaming as frivolous and time wasting. But is it? Arguably, this is the one medium that challenges us to think, problem solve, and collaborate. (Interesting: Aren’t these the same skills needed in modern corporate America?). Constance Squire, a senior policy analyst in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy works with countless Federal agencies in applying the...
Published 09/24/12
With the global population hitting seven billion people, the necessity of cultivating awareness about the impacts of human activities is greater than ever. Today, as technology delivers an explosion of information, and mobile and tablet usage grows worldwide, there is great potential for complex scientific information and big data to be delivered in engaging ways that decision-makers and the public can understand in a “snapshot” and use for problem solving. Join the esteemed panel for a...
Published 09/24/12
Palantir Technologies was founded in 2004 by a handful of PayPal alumni and Stanford computer scientists. Today its analytics products are widely used by the intelligence, defense, and law enforcement communities as well as some of the world’s leading hedge funds and financial institutions. Join Palantir’s CEO to explore the concept of Big Data and why it matters to you; the privacy, civil liberties, and security concerns raised by the next wave of Internet technologies; and what’s behind the...
Published 09/24/12
In the decades ahead, our reliance on innovative ways to explain and communicate massive amounts of information will increase exponentially as science, media, and technology expand in myriad directions. Visualizing information will create new ways of learning, communicating, and teaching. The way data can be disseminated can even be inspiring. A premiere architect and renowned designer discuss. Speakers: James T. Powell, Mark Wigley, Edwin Schlossberg
Published 09/24/12
The innovative use of technology for teaching and learning is creating new opportunities in practice and research. The panel will examine the impact of technology on instruction; how technology is serving the individual needs of all learners; and building a knowledge base on learning with technology. Also, we will discuss overcoming impediments to implementing innovative practices and becoming a successful entrepreneur for social benefit. Speakers: John Danner, Karl Wendt, Kathleen McCartney,...
Published 09/24/12
This session is co-Presented with NBC News' "Education Nation." The onset of courseware, tablets, and social media sites is being addressed cautiously in some educational environments and ravenously in others. Will mobile devices, iPads, and social platforms truly transform the way students learn and teachers teach? Will new technology platforms revolutionize classrooms across the country? Speakers: Joanne Weiss, Miles Gilburne, Randi Weingarten, Rehema Ellis, Ted Mitchell
Published 09/24/12