Thought Provoking
While other podcasters who interview people often look for the "big names," Ramble Redhead always delights in casting a light on the quiet corners of the GLBT community. He ask questions that lead to conversations you really want to listen to. Sometimes funny, sometimes insightful, always a delight to listen to. GLBT and their supporters should give this show a try.Read full review »
Taylor The Latte Boy via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 11/01/07
More reviews of Ramble Redhead
This guy has such great interviewing skills and is so tactful that he really belongs on national radio. I hope he has a very wide listening audience, because he certainly deserves it.
Gay Boomer via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/14/08
Ramble's podcasts were among the first I listened to and the ones I keep listening to. His interviews with everyday gays as well as famous gays run gamut of the gay experience. Several of these interviews are so powerful that I go back and re-listen to them, and when I do I feel both...Read full review »
floydpentlin via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/02/07
Ramble Redhead has always been supportive of all those he comes into contact with in his life. I often wondered where all that positive energy came from (was it really real). Well, he has been having some serious personal/financial troubles lately, and yet he has maintained his high...Read full review »
Scotty Oh via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/28/09
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