Andrew Talks with Environmental Writer Paul Hawken about How to Change the Climate Crisis in 1 Generation
Published 11/23/21
Published 11/23/21
In this episode Andrew talks with Guibert de Marmol about how a Regenerative Economy plays it's part in regenerative farming. 
Published 02/03/21
Andrew chats with Andrew Beedy, a consultant, specialising in Biodynamic, Organic and Sustainable farming, on how best to set up your farm. 
Published 12/31/20
Andrew talks Swiss lawyer Antoine Goetschel, who has focused on animal rights law in cases involving animal abuse. We get his take on animal rights in farming. 
Published 12/24/20
Andrew talks with Otto Scharmer an author and educator about the global action required to achieve regeneration and how that starts with Soil, Democracy and Consciousness
Published 12/17/20
Andrew chats with Dalmas Tiampati of the Maasai Center for regenerative pastoralism
Published 12/17/20
Andrew chats with Riane Eisler Tennenhaus, a cultural historian, systems scientist, teacher, lawyer, orator and author, whose work on cultural transformation inspired scientists and social activists.  Riane and Andrew turn their attention to soil activism 
Published 12/01/20
Scott Russell Sanders defines himself as an "Earth Writer". He has a great passion for the earth and the land - which is perhaps due to the circumstance that his father comes from a family of cotton farmers. He spent his school and university years in Ohio, where he earned his PhD in English. His work as Distinguished Professor in English brought him to Bloomington, Indiana, where he still lives with his family. He has received numerous awards for his literary achievements.
Published 11/20/20
A Regenerative Lifestyler
Published 11/09/20
Andrew Interviews a regeneration inspiration from the corporate world; David Bronner of the infamous Dr. Bronner soap company about their part in this life changing movement. 
Published 10/10/20
Andrew chats with Laura Strom who recently moved from Copenhagen to a Regen farm in Portugal
Published 09/21/20
Andrew chats with Nikki Silvestri, the Founder and CEO of Soil and Shadow, a project development firm designing economic and environmental strategies. 
Published 08/26/20
Economic Philosopher Frederic Laloux explains why we need to reinvent our organizations to accommodate regenerative practices.
Published 08/20/20
Andrew interviews Isabella Tree, author turned conservationist about the Rewilding experiment on the Knepp Castle Estate in Horsham UK, and about her 2018 book 'Wilding' - the return of nature to a British farm. In this episode we discover what we should do with farmland that doesn't work anymore. 
Published 07/27/20
Andrew Keen explores Joel Salatin's background and finds out why regenerative farming is so important.
Published 07/20/20