We know that we feel better when we are close to nature, and yet many of us also feel chronically distanced from the natural world. You don’t have to move to the woods to deepen this relationship — here are simple practices that can offer big results, even in a city.
Published 03/05/24
Published 03/05/24
How can we heal in aloneness without hiding in it? Solitude can be one of, if not THE most powerful force for our own personal and spiritual growth. But if we’re not careful, we can misuse this time and it can add to a sense of loneliness.
Published 02/14/24
These days more than ever, we have enormous levels of system “input”, and most of it isn’t great: news, social media, emails, etc. Where does all of this stress and angst and horror go? Let’s discuss how we can let some of this energy flow through us instead of accumulating within us.
Published 02/04/24
As humans, we all crave comfort and ease and safety, and it’s important that we establish these for ourselves through decisions and time. But for many of us, there is a point where the pursuit of safety or stability is no longer protecting us, and starts hurting us — turning into a cage that we become more and more scared to step out of.
Published 01/27/24
In this episode I share a perspective shift that will invite more presence, gratitude, and gentleness into your daily life. Email me: [email protected]
Published 01/12/24
To start off our new year and new chapter, I wanted to sit down and chat with you about a few things, get honest, and also offer a chance to connect 1:1 with a few of you.
Published 01/05/24
This show is six years old, and it felt like time for a little refresh. Welcome to the new podcast. In this episode, I explain what REWILDING is and what you can expect from this space moving forward, and I also ask you for your input!
Published 12/10/23
Episode two hundred! Today we’re exploring one of the hardest things for us humans to do — letting it go. I’m sharing helpful questions and prompts that might help you see more clearly what you’re really holding onto, and some reminders that might help you release what needs releasing.
Published 08/16/23
If we are interested in living a more aligned, authentic life, then we must also be interested in learning how to tell ourselves the truth. This episode covers things to watch out for as we examine our own honest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, and why making this a practice is so valuable.
Published 08/11/23
Many of us feel as if we are being helplessly pushed around by the forces of our life, ushered into one laundry list of to-dos to the next. There is a sneaky phrase hiding in our minds that is robbing us of sovereignty, awareness, and choice. This episode helps you take it back.
Published 06/14/23
So you want to make a change, commit to something, or evolve? Knowing who you want to become or how you want to think or live is important, but its only the first step. In this episode I break down a phenomenon that’s guaranteed to come long the moment you have decided what you want.
Published 05/17/23
If you listen to this show, chances are good that you’re interested in doing the inner work that improves your life. In this episode, I’m sharing five extremely important reminders and pitfalls to watch out for as do “the work” to ensure you’re not subtly undercutting or hurting your process. No matter if you’re totally new to this type of work or are a veteran, there’s something you need to hear in this episode.
Published 05/11/23
When we sense that discomfort or pain might be on its way to us, we tend to instinctively prepare for it. But this bracing for anticipated pain has an ironic consequence, and in this episode I share how we can begin to meet pain in a way that doesn’t dominate and distract us from our lives.
Published 05/02/23
Ever feel like you really want to prove that you’re not *that* kind of person to someone? Ever notice how much you want to control someone else’s perception of you? These moments can be a goldmine of self-knowledge. Today we’re talking about what we can learn and the freedom that becomes available when we fully and happily let people be wrong about us.
Published 04/25/23
We all have times where we feel distracted, anxious, lost, or otherwise extremely disconnected from ourselves. In this episode I’m sharing why these seasons are valuable, and the simple ways in which we can call ourselves home.
Published 03/29/23
The Stoic Philosopher Epictetus said that “We suffer not from the events in our lives but from our judgements about them.” Today I am expanding on this concept through the lens of another ancient philosophy, and the ways we continue to hurt our own feelings.
Published 03/14/23
We don’t like to admit it, but we all feel envious from time to time. In this episode I explain how envy is distinct from jealousy, why it’s valuable (not shameful), and what we can stand to learn when we really tune in to this feeling.
Published 03/01/23
We have a complicated relationship with change, but in this episode I share some prompts that will help you take a more honest look at your current environments and they way they are shaping you.
Published 02/21/23
In a season often ripe with tones of tightening, discipline, focusing and even forcing, today’s episode is a New Years antidote that is helpful at any moment of your life, across physical and emotional domains alike.
Published 01/02/23
I’m sharing some potent life lessons that this year has elucidated and brought forward for me, and hope that one or all helps you usher in some peace or clarity for you, wherever you are.
Published 12/22/22
Most of us formed some image or idea of our future selves long ago — of who we thought we would be today, now. The nature of this idea and its impact on your relationship to both yourself and the present might be worth exploring.
Published 11/22/22
Aren’t sure exactly where you’re going, what’s next, or even really where you are right now? Me too. Not seeing the path laid out ahead of you can be uncomfortable or even scary, but in this episode I share a few valuable reminders for these unnamed chapters we may find ourselves in.
Published 11/14/22
We all have a complicated relationship to stuff, and in this episode we take a close look at the nature of this attachment and see where we might be confusing symbols for value, and what’s more: keeping ourselves from the truth of who we are.
Published 11/01/22
Do anything enough times and the edge wears off. Is habituation acting as a limit, keeping you stuck in a comfortable loop that blinds you to the magic all around, or is it a launchpad catapulting you to places you once thought impossible?
Published 10/26/22