This week on Space Base Mars...
The Commander hatches some ambitious culinary plans, while the crew find ways to pass the time with the lights out
Every episode of Space Base Mars is fully improvised by the Cambridge Improv Factory, and is recorded live over zoom. Cambridge Improv Factory is based in Cambridge, England.
Cast: Vaughan Allanson, Kate Madison, Alan Hay, Sean Keoghan, Hugh Clark, Alex Wilber
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This week on Space Base Mars...
Harry suffers a injury, while Grace develops some plant-based art.
Every episode of Space Base Mars is fully improvised by the Cambridge Improv Factory, and is recorded live over zoom. Cambridge Improv Factory is based in Cambridge, England.
Cast: Vaughan...
Published 03/01/22
This week on Space Base Mars...
Alejandro takes up a new pastime, while Cleanbot polishes Gordon's rocks
Every episode of Space Base Mars is fully improvised by the Cambridge Improv Factory, and is recorded live over zoom. Cambridge Improv Factory is based in Cambridge,...
Published 09/13/21