“This SLP is not too good at sounding interested. She has an even more insincere "uh-huh" than my husband. She also has a pretty distracted "mm-Kay". I wonder how interested she sounds when talking to her "kiddos". (If she is not aware of her voice intonation) She actually said she was taking notes for the show notes right after one of her insincere "uh-huh"s - like during the 15 minute taping (do it later) like if you aren't willing to register to your own show, which is only 15 minutes long, then that does not bode well. "Perfect" "alright". One would expects SLP to be more aware of this kind of tone, if I was a kid i'd be pretty sensitive to this kind of half-tuned out tone. Also: the sound on this podcast for the interviewees is appallingly bad. Like, shockingly bad. Don't listen if you have any sensitivity in your ears. Also the first 5 minutes is taken up with a "draw" for done kind of branded loot. Skip the first 5 minutes. I hope Carrie reads this and tunes in to her own podcast. Do it right or don't do it. Please.”
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