Remind yourself, there are people you know, friends and family who are still plugged into the Matrix and they ain't gonna understand you because you are light years ahead. You've changed your whole state of being and this is the reason why a lot of people are gonna start dropping out of your life, best friends are gonna turn into enemies, why? Because it's all about Consciousness right now. This whole system is trying to enslave you and you have to make sure you are free mentally,...
Published 02/08/23
That's number one, number two: fill your own cup before trying to fill someone else's by being a martyr. I realized that if i had spent more time filling my own cup, i could have avoided a lot of pain a lot of issues if i had been focused on filling my own cup. There's a lot of people that I would have avoided. I feel like I've helped more people by actually filling my own cup because it inspires people to do the same. You cannot fill someone else’s cup. The true work can only be done by the...
Published 01/31/23
Letting go isn't about giving up it's about moving up right? That makes a lot of sense to me. So we're going to look at signs that your heart chakra is hyperactive in this episode. I'm really going to invite us to not think good or bad about these signs but rather just to start to think about them as they're all parts of us, they're all different parts of us. If we judge one aspect of the energy of a chakra, we are also judging the positive, so if we judge the negative, we're judging the...
Published 01/25/23
There will definitely be a lot of depth in 2023. We have spent the last few years concentrating on the connections we have with others who are not part of our own belief systems. It's time for you to focus on yourself again in 2023. In 2023, we are expected to slow down, spend more time alone, and view everything more in depth. Additionally, this is a very spiritual number. You could feel the need to connect with something outside of the material world. There’s going to be a lot of epiphanies...
Published 01/19/23
In ancient history there were giant structures honoring that vortex or honoring that portal, so the pyramids, machu picchu, these are all built on ley lines intersecting. Spelled as ley. This is proven by science; they are built on portal entry points which is quite incredible. Wanna know why you keep seeing 11:11 and other repeating numbers? Free 30 mins webinar at www.skepticturnmystic.com/webinar. Join the private FB group "Signs You're Having A Spiritual...
Published 01/15/23
There's really no in between with this number. This number is either destructive or productive. So this destructiveness is also power and this is what people do not understand. Number 11 or life path 11 you are the double dose of the number one okay you guys are the double dose of the number one. What this means, is that you are going to be highly intuitive and very insightful. You are coming to deliver a message and this destructive energy that you're battling inside is because you are...
Published 01/05/23
The vibration that your body produces causes you to draw people, things, and situations to you. When you put all of that together, it becomes obvious that the body plays a crucial role in your spiritual awakening.Yes, you are what you eat, cells use what we feed them to repair our skin, hair, nails, tissues, and organs. Food has a unique chemical composition and energy frequency that we absorb when we eat and integrate into our tissues and organs.  Join Private FB Group: How to Use Angel...
Published 12/28/22
You may have bad intentions for another but the law of attraction does not understand ‘manifest for someone else’. It simply responds to YOUR thoughts and YOUR energy and vibration. If you are around someone who has the power to influence how you think and feel then their intentions for you can in fact enter your own thoughts and feelings and in this way they can indirectly cause you to manifest bad things in your life. Join Private FB Group: How to Use Angel Numbers with the law of...
Published 12/21/22
For centuries, people have been obsessed with the idea of mind control. If you don't believe you can compel someone to do exactly what you want, try doing some of these tricks and tips after listening. It will be fun to talk about mind control in a fun way in our day to day life. The psychology of influencing people to give you what you want in a harmless way of cos in this podcast. First one is not smiling straight away when you meet someone. It's always nice to greet someone with a smile,...
Published 12/14/22
A continuation of the universal laws in the universe. Energy cannot disappear, it cannot go away, it cannot add to itself. You may have heard in physics class, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Water is a great example of this at work in our physical world. Water can transition into an ice cube, steam, clouds, rain, snow, but water never disappears from the earth; it always exists. You cannot get rid of the energy that is water, you can only change the form. The Law of Perpetual...
Published 12/07/22
Universal Laws as guidelines for things you can do to help you upgrade yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The Laws are all interconnected and based on the idea that everything in the cosmos, including us, is energy and that energy circulates in a pattern we can predict. All of our emotions, ideas, words, and actions are manifestations of energy. What we think, feel, say, and do in each instance co-creates our reality. What goes around comes around because energy...
Published 11/30/22
Knowledge is not words.Just because you know words does not mean you have knowledge. Knowledge plus awareness plus words equals expertise. What is information? Things like you beef is on sale 2.99 at Costco. That's information. You can buy a new car today with no money down just go over here to 811 Deedee street and you can pick up the car for no money down. That's all information. Tonight's news so-and-so is running for president, that’s also information. None of this is knowledge. None of...
Published 11/23/22
What are etheric cords? We all have etheric cords. We are even born with them. Etheric cords (sometimes referred to as ethereal cords, energy cords, and ribbons) are energy structures that connect to your energy bodies (aura, chakras, etc.). They extend out of you and connect with other people, places, animals and even objects.  How do etheric cords work? When you connect with someone by interacting with them or even by think or talking about someone, you will create an etheric cord with...
Published 11/16/22
There are 12 dimensions in this universe. A dimension is a vibrational layer, which means that you can think about each dimension as a radio station. So there's 12 dimensions which are densities in this universe. We are in the third dimension of density right now. Typically in the higher dimensions, we have grander capabilities, so here we have more responsibilities and more lessons to learn.  The lower the dimension, the simpler the life and the simpler the lessons that we have to learn....
Published 11/07/22
The reason why a pregnant mother automatically has a bigger auric field and it really extends far out from the body is to protect themselves and the baby. Your aura basically depends on your attitude. It depends on your emotions, it depends on your thoughts. Your emotions are an indicator of what you were thinking so your auric field is going to respond to however you're feeling. Like energy attracts like energy. Romantic partners are almost always the same color in the auric field because...
Published 11/01/22
When we see or experience a relationship that's intense and filled with drama. Many of us will mistakenly call this love, but it's not! Most likely this type of relationship is what's known as a karmic relationship. Because you're being brought together through this intense sexual energy, intense, intense, passionate energy, that energy is present, but also at the same time, there's a deep part of you that doesn't feel safe in this connection. Why? Please be sure to tag me @bernadetteballa on...
Published 10/28/22
The issue is the religious dogma and the doctrine. I think people are looking for something physical from the 5 senses to experience god today, to feel god within you, to touch higher power. The idea of belief is not the issue, the idea of experience is the issue! And as we know religious doctrine and dogma can do as much to separate us, but the experience of compassion, the experience of forgiveness, the experience of love, that's the spiritual meat of all religious truth. The universe is...
Published 10/19/22
On average, people tend to have about ten spirit guides. Some people have way more than that. So people have like 19-20 spirit guides. Spirit guides mirror your vibration and frequency. If your vibration is very cosmic, you're going to attract very cosmic inter-dimensional beings as spirit guides, which are really cool. If you had a spirit guide from birth it doesn’t mean you had that spirit guide all the way to the end of your lifetime. Maybe one time you have four humans and six...
Published 10/10/22
What does it mean to wake up? What does it mean to break away the matrix? What does it mean to be a human on the planet right now? If waking up is breaking away from the matrix. What is the Matrix? How do you define the Matrix? Most people only really understand The Matrix as that movie trilogy that was super epic and really resonated with you in a really strange way. Please be sure to tag me @bernadetteballa on Instagram, I am curious to hear all about your experiences! Wanna receive a free...
Published 10/10/22
Why do we lose our identities, especially during a spiritual awakening? There are two main reasons why this happens. The first reason is that when your soul triggers your spiritual awakening, you begin to shed everything that is rigid in you. So what happens is as your soul triggers the spiritual awakening, it's moving your energy system ( think chakras and your mindset) into ascension, into a higher vibration, and in that higher vibration there's no room for rigidity. Enjoying the show? Give...
Published 10/06/22
Many people on the planet right now are learning to manifest a new type of relationship called a spiritual partnership. But what exactly is a spiritual partnership and how do you call this elevated relationship into your life? Now this is a love that is very different from what we're regularly used to experiencing as love. A lot of times when we're in a relationship, there is a lot of immature energy. There's a lot of attachment that can mimic love. There's a lot of trauma bonding, that's...
Published 10/04/22
Every dimension has a different vibration, and as you move up the dimensions, things get a lot more complex, but simultaneously a lot more clear. When you start to experience past lifetimes in the present moment as your current self, you start to realize that there are no real limitations within this realm, there are only perceived limitations. Every single thing in your entire life is a vibration. Colors, vibration, sacred geometry, vibration, words, vibration. Those are things that are easy...
Published 10/02/22
The audio gets clearer at the 3:20 min mark. The truth is that horrible things can happen to us. Horrible things can happen in life. And if something horrible happens to you, please never think that you're the one that brought it on yourself by virtue of the law of attraction. That is ridiculous, and I don't want you ever to think that because it's not true. Again, there are so many things happening in this universe. Law of attraction is only one of many. And if something horrible happens to...
Published 10/01/22
Objects that are very old have a lot of other people's life force energy on them. Sometimes it's positive, sometimes it's neutral, sometimes it's negative. And we can also take and feed off of life force energy that is being held within inanimate objects. As weird as that sounds, the object itself does not create the life force energy. Please be sure to tag me @bernadetteballa on Instagram, I am curious to hear all about your experiences! Wanna receive a free wounded inner child workbook?...
Published 10/01/22