The duo begins unraveling intriguing connections between Sylvia's father and Venezuela's 1948 coup, raising questions about the ethics behind his pivotal role in introducing telecommunications to South America. As they navigate the interplay of politics, business, and activism, they explore...
Published 11/26/24
Michel and Sylvia delve deeper into Sylvia's adoptive parents' enigmatic past, uncovering connections to WWII espionage and figures like Reinhard Gehlen and Wilhelm Canaris. They navigate the emotional challenges of unearthing family secrets, confronting skepticism from friends, and speculating...
Published 11/19/24
Michel and Sylvia share a candid update from Miami, where an unexpected detour has them diving deeper into Sylvia’s family history. Originally planning to head straight to Europe, they opted for Miami after discovering intriguing arrival and departure records tied to Sylvia's parents, revealing...
Published 11/12/24