Manipulation has gotten a bad rap! As we define it today it means to ‘get what you want at the expense of others’ or ‘get one over on someone’. What is the actual, energetic definition of Manipulation based on older dictionaries? “To artfully and skillfully manage.” Wow! Doesn’t that have a totally different energy? How can you use the energies, awarenesses, perceptions and sensations you have to artfully and skillfully manage your life? Join us for this fascinating conversation.
Are you a wondering wanderer? Have you made yourself wrong for not staying on a linear path and staying “focused”? How does letting go of control and choosing more chaos contribute to us? Join us on Super Scoop to look at how to create your life and joyful living with the coherence of chaos and...
Published 09/26/16
What if life, living and business was an adventure? What if life and living could be fun? What if the joy of living adds to your business? Tune in for tips on how create your living and business as an adventure, allowing yourself more fun & freedom. Are you a Super Star of Magnitude? A...
Published 09/19/16