In Chronicles of the Anunnaki: Episode 2 – The Power Struggle of Enlil and Enki, we delve into the intense rivalry between two powerful Anunnaki leaders. Enlil, a strict overseer, views humans as workers to control, while Enki, the compassionate scientist, sees humanity’s potential. Their conflict culminates in a dramatic plan to reset humanity through a flood, with Enki secretly intervening to save a remnant of humans. This epic tale of power, defiance, and survival shapes early civilization...
Published 11/11/24
Chronicles of the Anunnaki is a deep dive into ancient mysteries, theories, and the origins of human civilization. In Episode 1, we explore the enigmatic Anunnaki—beings from Sumerian mythology believed to come from the distant planet Nibiru. The episode delves into theories of extraterrestrial influence on early human history, including the genetic engineering of Homo sapiens and the quest for gold. Join us as we journey through Sumerian texts, Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretations, and modern...
Published 11/11/24