Unfortunately no recap due to the pandemic, but this after show was hosted by Adiamond Baker, Tara Ericksen, and Tatiana Mariesa. Follow us on http://www.Twitter.com/AfterBuzzTV "Like" Us on http://www.Facebook.com/AfterBuzzTV For more After Shows for your favorite TV shows and the latest news in TV, Film, and exclusive celebrity interviews, visit http://www.AfterBuzzTV.com
Published 03/17/20
Published 03/17/20
Rav jumps into the shuttle to pick up Judd not realizing it’s either her or him that can come back. Will there be a fight to the finish? Spike becomes the new captain, not knowing the actors that were planted in the front of the ship. Karen is put in charge of the 500 pound weight loss from the ship and Matt helps cater the idea that the ship, and possibly life, is all one big simulation. Resulting in 7 freezing lives lost. Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Tataina Mariesa  and Adiamond...
Published 03/11/20
There’s a new baby on board and they might be running out of oxygen! What will Captain Ryan so about not sleeping and will Judd get his sedative? Follow us on http://www.Twitter.com/AfterBuzzTV "Like" Us on http://www.Facebook.com/AfterBuzzTV For more After Shows for your favorite TV shows and the latest news in TV, Film, and exclusive celebrity interviews, visit http://www.AfterBuzzTV.com
Published 02/25/20
Who’s in the right? How will Ryan deal with being kicked out of his thruple? Will Mia be able to snag the new engineer? Maybe? This could be the next Jim and Pam love story TV needs! 'He's Only There To Stop His Skeleton From Falling Over' is the title of this episode and from the writers of VEEP this is a top notch insult itself! Billie seeks praise for helping Ryan during the ship's new crisis. Today's After Show Was Hosted By:Tatiana Mariesa, Adiamond and Tara Erickson Follow us on...
Published 02/18/20
With Judd worried about his reputation, Iris arranges a meet - and - greet with several passengers in his luxury suite. Still in his selfish state, Judd manages to insult a widow and make zero progress. Frustrated by a bridge crew with no answers, Ryan and Billie Bond go with the engineers below deck. Matt encourages Frank to become the man he always wanted to be, giving Frank the confidence to “push the button”, but the pipeline to everyone’s waste is busted causing Ryan to step up. Today's...
Published 02/11/20
Ryan proposes a specific position for Karen, who takes the bribe and pacify's growing passenger concerns. He also is played by Billie who finally confesses that the entire crew he has been working with are hired actors. The time line for returning home is back to 3 years with an additional 6 months added, as Silas WAS bad with numbers. Judd comes up with an escape plan for 500 ships to meet Avenue 5 as it nears earth, but NASA is unwilling to work with the budget he desires. Today's After...
Published 02/04/20
Rav and her team meet with a NASA representative to plot a potential rescue mission; an engineer working in a hidden part of the ship has a surprisingly optimistic theory about the ship's future, Judd is still no help at all; and Karen becomes an advocate for the passengers and 4 dead bodies orbit the ship. Gravity is still a thing. Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Tatiana Mariesa @tatianamariesa, Adiamond Baker @Not_yur_type, Tara Erickson @taraerickson Follow us on...
Published 01/27/20
Ryan Clark is the captain of Avenue 5 while a massive gravity shift turns the passengers in the ship literally zooming across the ship. Zach takes on customer service but overreacts as the complaining becomes way too much. Herman Judd, owner of the ship likes to take charge, when he actually has no idea whats going on, including the main crew engineer who just died. And the truth about the captain comes to life when it is revealed that he is in fact just an English actor playing a captain....
Published 01/20/20