Self-reflection is like a big, juicy steak. It's delicious, it's satisfying, and it's good for you! But just like a steak, self-reflection can be tough to chew at times. It can be uncomfortable to confront your own thoughts and feelings, but that's where the real growth happens. So if you want to be a badass at life, you've got to be willing to dig deep and do the work. Trust me, it's worth it! Yes, self-retrospection can actually be a lot of fun, too! It's like going on a treasure hunt,...
Published 06/16/23
Published 06/16/23
You have unrealised potential waiting to emerge. You only need to take the next step and trust you are being guided to merge with your greater self. 😍 Everything in your life — especially your challenges — is tailor-made to help you see your stories of struggle. đŸ’Ș Whatever is in the way is the way! So switch your mentality from "I'm broken and helpless" to "I'm growing and healing" and see how fast your #life changes, for the better...đŸ€© You are not broken, so love yourself exactly as you...
Published 03/14/23
Love yourself like no one else - it's time to give yourself the Valentine’s gift you have always wanted – 24/7 real love, real romance every day of the year – you deserve it and nothing LESS. ❀đŸŒč
Published 02/14/23
The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty. On the days when you have free time, when you have hours upon hours to get shit done, you might feel extra pressure to be productive. You might feel like you need to cross everything off your to-do list. You might feel like if you don’t do the laundry and exercise and walk the dog and cook a healthy meal, then you’re a failure. You...
Published 12/01/22
Forgiveness can be hard. When someone does something that hurts you, it can be difficult to let it go and move on. Although forgiving others can be a daunting task at times, it is often much easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Maybe you missed your daughter’s winning goal because you left work late, told a lie that caused problems for others, or perhaps your actions resulted in life-altering consequences. No matter what happened, practicing...
Published 10/11/22
You may feel pressure to set goals and reach them quickly. To know exactly what you want and how to make it happen. To have it all figured out. But rushing may lead to a life you don't truly want. Never learning who you are or who you want to be. It's okay to take your time. That might not be exciting. It might not be sexy. It may conflict with popular messages or narratives. It is, however, often the best long-term strategy. To move at your pace. Getting to know your desires. Your dreams....
Published 09/08/22
Why is that so many of us find ourselves limiting our windows of opportunity and potential because we think it’s too late to learn how to start over? When you become stuck in life, one strategy that you have at your disposal is to start over again with a blank canvas. You can hit the reset button and pursue a goal or dream that you’ve never tried before. 💕â˜ș
Published 09/08/22
You're deserving of love. On your good days, on your bad days, you deserve love. You're worthy of love and compassion. You're worthy of hugs when you struggle and high fives when you accomplish. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be treated with respect. You deserve for someone to fight for you. You deserve kindness. You deserve to be lifted up and encouraged. You deserve to be able to depend on someone other than yourself. You're deserving of love. You're worthy enough to love yourself....
Published 09/08/22
Do you ever find yourself pulled between what you want and what others want for you? Are you too afraid to be your true self or share your real thoughts? Do you care too much about what other people think? đŸ€” Let’s talk about learning to live for yourself & not others. đŸ€— From childhood, a lot of us begin our lives learning to live for our parent's approval and the approval of those around us—our peers, teachers, or society in general. This comes out of our desire for love and a sense of...
Published 08/07/22
Facing your fears and pursuing your dreams is the greatest gift you can give yourself — and others!
Published 07/17/22
Ah la zone de confort, un sujet d’actualitĂ© pour moi en ce moment
 C’est difficile d’en sortir, pas vrai ? Evidemment, personne n’aime ĂȘtre bousculĂ©. Changer ses habitudes fait souvent trĂšs peur. Personnellement, je stresse, je doute
 Parfois, c’est mĂȘme la panique totale. Je suis morte de trouille
 Est-ce que j’ai pris la bonne dĂ©cision ? Est-ce que je ne vais pas regretter mon choix ? Vous aussi vous ĂȘtes du genre Ă  vouloir tout contrĂŽler ou vous avez du mal Ă  lĂącher prise ? La zone de...
Published 07/11/22
If you claim not to have a “worst” character trait, you can probably add dishonesty to the list. I think almost everyone has struggled with at least one bad trait. The good news is that those negative traits we fear may be holding us back can actually end up being the unlikely driver that propels us forward. But how do we learn to love the very characteristics we like least? How to transform those negative quirks into sources of strength and self-love? How can we change for the better? Like...
Published 07/07/22
Kill that part of yourself that still wants to save someone after they've walked away while you were drowning. Don’t let that one person who doesn’t care about you live rent-free in your mind. They’ve taken enough. Re-claim your power by redirecting your focus to those around you who love you and care about you. Your worth has nothing to do with how others treat you. How others treat you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. As soon as we realise those two things, it becomes...
Published 03/14/22
Listen to the second part of Episode 38. Missing Them Doesn't Equal Getting Back Together. There are people out there who will make you feel uncomfortable whenever they are around. It is as if they were born to humiliate you, distract you, and get in the way of your success and happiness. And even if you've kicked them out of your lives, they always find their way back to you. The worst part of all these is that you let them back in your life again, thinking they have changed for the...
Published 03/02/22
"Boundaries" seems to be a buzzword in mental health circles right now –—and there is a good reason for that. They say good boundaries make good neighbors. I say good personal boundaries build great interpersonal and professional relationships. Some people feel the need to please others, often without realizing that by saying “yes” to everything, they are also saying “no” to something else that might be equally important to them. This can have negative effects on both your personal life and...
Published 02/16/22
You may miss someone; you may miss everything you’ve experienced with the person you’ve loved so much and wish you could relive these moments. And you wonder why it all ended... you fill your mind and thoughts with tons of unnecessary ifs and buts, trying hopelessly to figure out why things had to end this way. Could it have been something to do with you, with them, with the universe, with their dog, with...? What would have happened if...? Should we get back together? The dilemma is real!...
Published 02/13/22
While relationships can be beautiful, they can also be complicated and messy. đŸ€Ż And the root cause of a messy relationship is none other than insecurity. There comes the point in every relationship where one or both partners feel insecure. Insecurity arises from self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and self-love and the fear of losing one’s partner. We often believe that we cannot make our partner happy because we’re unsure of ourselves. This not only takes away your inner...
Published 02/11/22
We all are selfish to an extent, but some people are just too much into themselves and tend to disregard others. They can even make you feel worthless! Some use you when they have issues, but they are never around when you need them. Sometimes they make you feel inadequate and invisible. But, no matter how the selfish person treats you, it doesn’t mean that you should behave like them and adopt a selfish lifestyle. Instead, stay true to yourself. Be who you are, do what you want, and...
Published 02/08/22
The relationship is on the rocks and about to end, but you can’t accept that your partner, that person whom you loved so much, is about to become your ex. It hurts too much. Even worse, you find yourself begging for them not to leave you. And when they break things off, you can’t stop wishing for them to take you back, hoping that they’ll want to start over with you ... and you hate yourself for it because you know it’s too late. 💔   Honey, you’re not alone. Most people find it...
Published 02/07/22
The truth is, many of us experience a lack of self-confidence from time to time, and that's perfectly normal. But when it comes to jealousy, personal insecurity and comparison in a relationship, it can drive a wedge between you and your partner. Insecurity can be somewhat positive and cute, as it can inspire you to work harder in the relationship and value your partner more. However, if insecurity starts to get out of hand, it can create a toxic atmosphere in your relationship and wreak havoc...
Published 02/05/22
We often try to mould ourselves into the image of what others think, and in this vicious process, we forget how to stay true to ourselves. From a young age, we learn to be someone our parents want us to be, and it is perfectly normal to get lost in this process.... đŸ€Ż We are constantly told how to sit... how to talk... how to act... and even how to breathe in front of others. All of this has been so ingrained in our minds that when someone asks us how we’re doing, we don’t actually reply to...
Published 01/29/22
For many of us, standing up for ourselves doesn’t come naturally 😓 – in fact,  it can even seem like a no-go. Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t like to “rock the boat” and swallow any opposing feelings or thoughts to avoid confrontation - you find that doing what others want seems the best or easiest thing to do. But when we let people walk all over us, it leaves a bad taste in our mouths.😖 We’ll end up with anger and resentment. We may wonder why people are so insensitive
 why don’t they know...
Published 01/22/22
Feeling like you’re missing something essential? 😰 Are you always left feeling not good enough, accomplished enough, attractive enough, smart enough or whatever you think the lack is related to? đŸ„ș Does the search for positive feedback and affirmation in your life feel like a unicorn hunt? 🩄 You may think you’ll never be good enough for anything or anyone, but the truth is that you are good enough, even if you don’t see it. đŸ’ȘđŸ„° With a few mind shifts and thought discipline, you can learn to...
Published 01/19/22
Without a shadow of a doubt, the world has a way of keeping us busy and rushing us through moments of accomplishment and good news. But with so much inevitable sadness and anguish that we are all bound to experience in our lives, it’s high time we take the time to appreciate and focus on those happiness-inducing magical moments. Even I tended to let the little moments of joy slip by too quickly
But I have slowly learned to stick with my feelings in the good times to make sure they really...
Published 01/12/22