She has an innate drive to make sure young people are as well prepared for their chosen careers as they can be.
Silje Howes of LMI UK is a great authority on any number of skills, attributes and best practice around us being the best version of ourselves.
She's also a fantastic trainer, facilitator and mentor.
Self awareness, how we view and use time and moving out of our comfort zone will be some of the themes that we explore in this episode.
Anya is in her first year of working for ZX Lidars. She has an aptitude and passion for maths and her work as a data scientist is incredibly rewarding and innovative.
It you want to pick up some really good stuff on self improvement, teamwork, dedication and work culture, get this episode...
Published 11/01/24
Bob Allen has been practising osteopathy for a while now and is hugely qualified to explain what makes for a great osteopath and how one can change lives and even sometimes save a life.
As you've come to expect from the Careers Pod, there's exceptionally useful and first hand advice on the...
Published 10/09/24