332: Weight Loss & Financial Gains
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*Weight Loss & Financial Gains* are often a huge outcome of the work with my clients. Although it’s almost never the goal. Here’s how & why 🦋☀️ (my client came in for our 3 day immersion at @venusvalleyboulder & told me she lost 20 pounds since our previous immersion. I celebrate this. But not for the reasons you may think. I don’t comment on the way she looks or her size. I instead celebrate her because of what that weight loss means FOR her & represents TO her. And mostly, how it FEELS. It’s a shedding of what’s no longer serving. A release of what has been held in her tissues. A surrender of the stories & narratives she’s walked with that were weighing her down. A metaphorical death of what was held in the emotional, energetic & physical realms - dense, stuck energy evaporating. When you’re done with it, you’re done with it 👋🏻 Also, her reflection of being in a 1:1 container for 12 months vs 3** how this changed & deepened the work we did together) Enrolling 1:1 clients in 6/12 month containers - IN PERSON & VIRTUAL. Ready to quantum transform your life, biz & bank account? It starts IN & WITH your body. Everything is experienced there first. Somatic $€xological bodywork is your homecoming & pathway to embodied confidence & freedom. Dm me to chat ✨ 5 years ago I had just moved to Denver, no car, clients & mooching off my brother for free rent. I contribute EVERYthing I have created today to my work in the somatic $€x space. & you will, too - I guarantee it ❤️‍🔥. #somatichealing #weightloss #financialgoals #thegoalisnotthegoal #1one1coaching #somaticsexologicalbodywork #investinyourself
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