“I started las Aug 2020, after my MD gave me an ultimatum. My HGB A1c was up 2 6.8, my FSBG was 145. she diagnosed me with pre diabetic and Insulin resistant. She told me it was now or never. IF I didn’t lose the weight the next step was diabetic meds She told me about Fasting and told me to get Dr. Fung’s books and drop the carbs.
I walked out of the office determined…. I got The Obesity Code book. I started to research and set a plan.
Today. I am down 55 lbs. I do 18 hour to 36 hour fasts. Regularly I eat only one meal a day.
My Fasting Blood sugar is down to 112. My Hgb A1c is down to 5.2.
All my labs are better. I am better…
It is still a journey. But it works!!!”
Jag2265 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·