Cultivating Consciousness and Altruism (ft. Dana Klisanin)
Dana Klisanin and Nancy Giordano discuss cultivating consciousness...
As humans we often look to our flaws or the 'dark side' to evaluate ourselves. A specialist in transpersonal psychology and evolutionary guidance systems, Dr. Dana Klisanin instead seeks to find our highest consciousness using creativity as a path to self-actualization. As Founder and CEO of Evolutionary Guidance Media R&D Inc., she's all about amplifying the collaborative heroism that comes from acts of altruism to influence the greater good.
She consults on a wide variety of media projects including print media, commercials, films, video games, immersive theatre, VR/AR, using psychological analysis of immersive entertainment strategies, transmedia storytelling, customized psychological assessments and priming techniques to help positively shape the narrative behind entertainment, retail, and nonprofit sectors. So enjoyed this conversation(!) and the reminder that ultimately, we control our own stories.
Learn more at femmefuturists.comLearn more about Nancy at nancygiordano.comLearn more about our guest Dana at