Connectional Intelligence and Digital Body Language (ft. Erica Dhawan)
Erica Dhawan and Nancy Giordano discuss connectional intelligence and digital body language...
How can you break through overwhelm and make big things happen? While we have all talked about collaboration for years, our need for one another has become vitally important these days. Sheltering in our homes all these months (and we're not out of the woods yet), we have been intensely challenged to adopt new ways of working, learning AND nurturing our relationships. Our experience of time and boundaries are undergoing a dramatic shift, putting new emphasis on our connections with each other. Whether fracturing or bringing us closer, it is clear our ability to respond and deliver game changing innovation will be directly related to the value of our interactions and our ability to explore, trust and coordinate with one another. Which leads us to Erica Dhawan, next up in our Femme Futurists Society series!
Learn more at femmefuturists.comLearn more about Nancy at nancygiordano.comLearn more about our guest Erica at