FBI Special Agent Joe Unes follows a lead from the "Three Stooges" and discovers a connection between the disappearance of Scott Stauffer and the men arrested in Iowa. Unes arranges to meet with Chief Deputy Jurasik in Mayfield to compare notes. Meanwhile, Jared, Terry and Vijay decide to take a road trip of their own to check out a possible detention camp.In D.C., Congressman Harold Benson talks with one of his contacts about the threat he received and realizes that his phone has been tapped. At Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Captain Thiel is ordered back to Iowa by Malthus to retrieve more computers. And in Mayfield, Cathy Moore receives an ominous phone call warning her to keep quiet about her husband's arrest.
Gruner, Norlock, Stauffer and Vijay visit Tony Harris in the hospital, where he's reunited with his son. Bob Moore returns home, and Cindy shares a mysterious note from The Alliance warning them that the Enemy's eyes are on them now.In Saint Louis, FBI Agent Joe Unes visits Pastor Ed Harper to...
Published 11/10/09
Captain Thiel confronts Malthus/Green in the heart of Raven Rock Mountain. While he was correct about who Malthus is, Thiel is very much mistaken about what.At Scott Air Base, the public protest stirred up by the Alliance draws the St. Louis media. Base security joins the 369th MPs to hold off...
Published 11/03/09